
Monday 11 April 2022

What species are the Croods?

  • The Croods are both knuckle-walkers and bipedal.
  • They have the ability to speak and comprehend language. They can communicate like humans.
  • They wear clothing such as fur.
  • They can utilise fire.
  • They have big teeth, robust bones and muscles.
  • Because of their big teeth, it indicates that they eat tough foods.
  • They domesticated animals.
Because of these points, I can infer that they are related to/ are Homo neanderthalensis.
Guy seems slightly more advanced than the Croods which I think makes him related to/ is a Homo sapien.

Tuesday 22 March 2022


In my L3Bio class, we have been learning about the trends in stone tools and how they changed over time through different hominin species. 

Friday 11 March 2022

What does it mean to be a human? Homo naledi

Recently in Level 3 bio class, we have been leaming about the hominin evolution. Here is one of the homo species we have been learning about.

In this article, it talks about the discovery of a new homo genus species, Homo naledi during an expedition in South Africa in 2013. More recent discoveries have also allowed us to date the fossils to be between 335,000 and 236,000 years ago. This article also talks about how they survived in their environment; using their teeth as clues due to the lack of other animals or tools associated with Homo naledi. Further into the article, it highlights some of the unanswered questions about Homo naledi. Some of these questions are how is Homo naledi related to other Homo species? and What was their diet?

Monday 5 July 2021

English Connections

In English, we have been given different texts to analyse and make connections. The texts that were given were Frankenstein (written & visual), Be Right Back (visual), Blade Runner (visual), and Ex Machina (visual). After analysing the text, here are some of the keywords I've come up with that I think connect to each other.

Monday 22 February 2021

Plato - Concept of the Self


For Plato, the soul is the self. Plato perceives the human person to be made up of the body and soul. The soul consists of three parts: rational soul, spiritual soul, and appetitive soul. The rational soul is found in the head, it allows the person to think; while the spiritual soul can be found in the chest which allows the person to express their emotional feelings. Thirdly, the appetitive soul. It is found in the abdomen of a person, this allows a person to express their physical needs.

Friday 31 July 2020

Pathos, Logos, Ethos

Pathos: Use of emotions to persuade a person or a group. A Greek word meaning "suffering", "experience", or "emotion". Used to appeal to the emotions of the audience to persuade them. An example of this can be seen in charity ads. "There are people starving in Africa. Donate now to help."

Logos: Usage of logic to persuade an audience. An example of this can be found in a toothpaste advertisement, saying that "9 out of 10 dentists approves"

Ethos: A contrast to pathos, ethos uses the audience's beliefs to persuade them. For example, people can use religion, culture, or personal beliefs to persuade the audience. "Say no to abortion. That child is God's gift!"

Monday 20 July 2020

Cooking Methods

Cooking Method




Method of cooking using direct dry heat, usually in an oven


Slow cooking process in which food is gently simmered for a long time until it’s tender. A good method to use with tough cuts of meat. Casserole works in the same way but is heated in an oven rather than on top of the stove.


Similar to baking. Food is cooked in an oven in a little oil or fat, uncovered. It is suitable for cooking larger cuts of meat and chicken.


Moist method of cooking, using vapours from boiling water to heat and cook the food. This method retains valuable nutrients since the food does not come into contact with the liquid. Food remains moist and tender. Vegetables such as broccoli and carrots are often cooked this way.

Moist cooking method. Food is gently cooked in a liquid such as water or stock. The liquid temperature reaches 100 degrees and this is when the method is occurring, it is then turned down to simmer until it is cooked and tender.


Makes use of direct heat to cook and brown the surface of the food. It is a quick method of cooking because heat is direct and the food is already tender or easy to cook. BBQ is an example of this method.


Quick-cooking method where ingredients are tossed in a pan or wok to cook at a high temperature. Little oil and water are sometimes added to give moisture to the dish.

Should avoid this method if you are trying to reduce the amount of oil or fat in your food plan

Why is it important to do different cooking method to reduce salt, fat, and sugar?