
Friday 12 April 2019

Unwind - Part 7 - Consciousness

Part 7 - Consciousness

1. How is it that Connor was not unwound? p318
Connor wasn't unwound because of the explosion Blaine and Mai caused. He wasn't unwound because he also got a new name from a guard that got killed in the explosion.2. Whose arm does he now have? P319
Connor now has Roland's arm because the doctors couldn't save his own arm and that they need to replace it with a new one.3. On p321 Risa tells Connor how she won't be unwound. Do you think her decision to not accept the spine of an Unwind was purely ethical, or was she also playing the system in order to stay alive?
I think Risa didn't accept the spine of an unwind because she is playing the system in order to stay alive. In the book, it also says that there are laws against unwinding the disabled.4. Since the explosions at Happy Jack, what have people been doing? What has Cy-Fi's role been in this? P325
After the explosion, people started protesting about unwinding. Cy-Fi also protested about changing the legal age of adulthood from 18 to 17. That way people whose age is 17 cannot be unwound anymore.5. Lev's parents disown him. Who is trying to become his guardian? P328.
After Lev's parents disowned him, his brother Marcus, who is also disowned by their parents is now petitioning to be his guardian.

6. Why has Pastor Dan resigned? P329
Pastor Dan resigned because he didn't want to believe in God who condones human tithing anymore.7. P331-332 explain what has happened to Harlan Dunfee. What do you think about the Admiral and his wife's plan? Was it what you expected?
Harlan Dunfee's parts are collected by his parents. Admiral and his wife gathered all of Dunfee's parts. I wasn't what I expected because of the rumours about Harlan Dunfee, how his parents are gathering his parts trying to make his body whole again.8. Who takes over the graveyard? P331
Connor, Risa and Hayden took over the Graveyard in place of the Admiral.

Unwind - Part 6 - Unwound

Part 6 - Unwound

1. Connor and Risa are sent to Happy Jack Harvest Camp. Describe what it is like, and explain why it is like this. P265-266
The Happy Jack Harvest camp is based in Arizona, it has big windows that show a beautiful scenic view of the nature around them. It also has bright colourful pastel inferior and the staff has Hawaiian style clothes.

2. What is the exact percentage of the Unwind that you have to keep alive? Why is it not 100%, as Risa believes? P269
You have 99.44% of the Unwind you have to keep alive. It is not 100% because some parts of the unwind aren't always useful like the appendix.

3. What do the unwinds call the place where unwinding occurs? P271
The unwinds call the place where unwinding occurs the 'chop shop'

4. Lev too is at Happy Jack but as a tithe. Why is this?
I think Lev is at Happy Jack harvest camp as a tithe because he got caught after he volunteered at a job in an oil pipeline and that they blamed Connor for abducting him.

5. On p278 Connor and Roland finally have the fight that's been brewing between them. What does each character realise during this?
Both Roland and Connor realised that fighting each other is meaningless because they'll get unwind anyway.

6. P284 - What group has Lev joined, who recruited him, and when will they follow out their plan?
Lev joined a group of clappers. Lev was recruited by Cleaver when they were still in the Graveyard. Blaine was the one Mai and Lev are following, following when they will detonate themselves.

7. Roland is called for unwinding on p286. Why is this?
At first, Roland thought he was being unwound for hitting the staff with a volleyball but the staff later told him that he is being unwound for his blood and not for hitting a staff with a ball. He was unwound because his blood is AB negative, a rare type of blood that is in high demand by customers.

8. Chapter 61 is arguably the most confronting chapter in the book. Here we have Roland's first person narrative of being unwound. Do you think this chapter is necessary? Why do you think Shusterman chose to have Roland's experience detailed? Do his memories alter how you view him?  
I think this chapter is necessary because it let the readers know what is happening when a person is being unwound; the process of them being unwound and how they feel being unwound. Neal Shusterman chose to have Roland's experience detailed because I think he wants the readers to know what is happening when a person is being unwound. His memories alter how I view him only a little by what happened to him about his mother. I still don't like him for what he did to Risa in the bathroom.

9. Why does Lev decide not to clap? P310
Lev decided not to clap because his 'stronger' side didn't let him clap and that what he is doing is wrong. I think he didn't clap because he also wants to help Connor after Connor helped him in the past.

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Unwind - Part 5 - Graveyard

Part 5 - Graveyard

1. Which job in the graveyard does Risa get assigned to? How does this come about? P201
In the graveyard, Risa gets assigned to become a medic. She was assigned to become a medic because of how she treated the boy with a broken nose, telling him what to do, showing him how to pinch his nose to stop the bleeding.
2. Why doesn't Connor volunteer for "work"? P205
Connor doesn't volunteer for work because he thinks that the Admiral is using them. It is written in the book, "The Admiral's using us" Connor says to the kids around him.
3. How does Roland unsettle Connor? P206-207
Roland had Connor thinking about the Admiral if he really has a different agenda. Roland also made a comment about how the Admiral's teeth are too perfect for his old body and how the Admiral took them from an unwind.
4. P208-209 detail Lev's arrival, and Connor's reaction. Make sure you fill in your character profiles for both characters.
Just like what happened to Connor and Risa, Lev came to the graveyard in a crate inside a plane. After Lev and the others arrived they were later addressed to the supply jet.
Connor had mixed emotions when he noticed Lev coming out of the plane. Connor felt furious, thrilled, and relieved at the same time.5. P214-215 Connor learns the truth about the Admiral here. How does the Admiral gain Connor's trust?
The Admiral gained Connor's trust by telling him about his teeth, that it's just dentures made from Thailand and that it's not from an unwind. The Admiral also told Connor about why the Admiral puts Connor and the others into service positions.
6. What, according to the Admiral, is it that Connor is becoming famous for in the Graveyard?p212
According to the Admiral, Connor is becoming famous in the Graveyard by repairing things and from fighting.7. What happens to the Goldens?p217
The Golden was dead inside a crate inside a plane which the Admiral shows to Connor. The Admiral thinks that the Goldens are targeted by people who are jealous of their power and that they want to rise up in the rankings.8. How does Roland begin to assert his power in the Graveyard? (you'll need to look throughout the section)
Roland begins to assert his power in the Graveyard by spreading rumours about the Admiral, how he has perfect teeth and how he was looking for a good body part from everybody in the Graveyard. Roland spread negative rumours about the Admiral so Roland can get everyone in the Graveyard to be on his side.
9. P222-226 give us an insight into how the Unwinding Bill was passed into law. Summarise what happened, then explain whether or not you think it is plausible.
In the Heartland war, most people think it was just two sides fighting, the pro-life and the pro-choice. During the Heartland war, there is also another group involved, a group that is trying to prevent both sides from fighting. After some time the middle group managed to gather the pro-life and the pro-choice in one room, thinking about what to do to stop the war. During the meeting, the Bill of Life started as a joke until when a scientist won a Nobel prize for perfecting neurografting. Neurografting is a technique that allows every part of the donor to be used in transplants. That is when both sides agreed to do the unwinding and the Bill of Life was signed.
10. The Admiral was there when the Bill of Life was signed - do you think this detracts from the believability of the commonplace nature of Unwinding? In your opinion, do you think the book should have a few more generations between those who signed the Bill, and the present state in the novel?
Yes, the book should have a few more generations between those who signed the Bill and the present state in the novel so there is more different point of views about unwinding.

11. What job does Lev volunteer to do? P236
Lev volunteered to work on an oil pipeline with Mai and Blaine until they are eighteen.

12. Which part of Harlan Dunfee does Emby have? P240
Emby has Harlan Dunfee's lungs giving Emby asthma.

13. Chapter 39 is from Roland's point of view. Why do you think Shusterman changes the narrative here? What do we learn in this short chapter?
I think Neal Shusterman changes the narrative here to show a different side of Roland. We learn that Roland isn't the type of guy that would kill people.

14. By the end of this section, things at the Graveyard have deteriorated, with the unwinds turning on the Admiral, and tearing the place apart. Which character is beaten to death on p250?
The character that was beaten to death on page 250 was Cleaver. He was beaten to death by a cluster of furious teenagers.

15. What does the Admiral refuse on p255? What is the doctor's reaction to this?
The Admiral refused the nurse to give him a heart transplant. The doctor's reaction to this was surprised that the Admiral refused to have a heart transplant. The doctor then agreed to perform a different surgery to try and save the Admiral.

16. Why does Roland have the Juvey-Cops called? P259 Why doesn't his plan happen? P260-1
Roland asked the doctor to call the Juvey-Cops so he can turn Connor and Risa to them and convince the Juvey-Cops to free him by giving them the location of where the other unwind teenagers are hiding. Rolands plan didn't happen because the Juvey-Cops already knew about the Graveyard.

Monday 8 April 2019

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking occurs around the world, one of the worst countries with human trafficking are Belarus, Central African Republic, China, and many more. Human trafficking takes away people's Human Rights and freedom. Human trafficking occurs to make more money. Smugglers kidnap children or adults, drug them and treat them like slaves, feeding them nothing. People who are kidnapped are later sold to brothels for forced prostitution, where they are sexually exploited to other people. Survivors of human trafficking are sometimes traumatised of what happened to them. One of the survivors named Somaly Mam is now fighting smugglers to free the people who are sexually exploited around South East Asia. She has made an organisation called AFESIP which specifically fight sexual exploitation of young girls around South East Asia. Somaly Mam also has rescue centres in Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. Therefore Human trafficking takes away the people's Human Rights because they are abducted from their family, then smuggled and sold to people to sexually exploit them and treat them as slaves.

Friday 5 April 2019

10 Worst Countries Using Child Soldiers

Child Soldiers:

What are Child Soldiers?

Child soldiers are children under the age of 18 who are working as soldiers fighting people using guns. Child soldiers are either recruited or forced to join military forces; some children also volunteer to join the forces. Child soldiers also have other work than just fighting, they also work as spy, cook, messenger, and some child soldiers are also used as sex slaves.

The map above shows different countries that use child soldiers and the countries' rank and the category they fit in with using child soldiers.

SEEL Paragraph

Children are used in war because they are easy to manipulate, they obey the commanders and leaders of the armed groups out of fear or because they want to avenge the family they have lost at the hands of other armed groups. Using a child soldier to fight in wars takes away their Human Rights and freedom to education. Children under the age of 18 are recruited or forced to join armed groups, some children also volunteer to join. In the Central African Republic, there are 10,000 children that have been in armed groups. About 4,693 children have been released from the battlefield. Children who have been released are sometimes asked to join the armed forces again. Some children choose to join armed forces because their family members are either killed or taken away from them. When in school, children who served in armed forces sometimes suffer trauma from the battlefield, having flashbacks of what they did when they were serving the forces. Using children to fight in war affects their right to education because they are taken away for months or years to serve in the forces instead of studying.

Lino Cutting

LO: To learn Orphism and colour theory and using them to put into lino.

The middle and the bottom photo are my thumbnails. My first one was the middle photo but I later changed it by adding two circles at the bottom right. My focal point is the oval with a curving line in the middle and the two circles on the bottom right. My leading lines are the 4 lines coming out from the focal point

Thursday 4 April 2019

Unwind - Part 4 - Destinations

Part 4 - Destinations

1. This section opens with Lev in a pawnbroker's. What does this tell you about how his character is changing?
Lev is now being smart and strategic of what he needs to do to survive. He also became courageous by trying to bribe the pawnbroker for money to survive.
2. While being transported to possible safety, some of the kids on the run wonder, "Would it be better to die or be unwound?" If given the choice, which would you choose? Why? This response requires more than one or two sentences! Put forward at least three reasons why you think what you do.
I think it would be better to be unwound because that way I can at least give my organs to save people who need an organ donor. It would be better for me to be unwound because I could also 'live in a divided state' by my body parts being given to recipients.

3. Another question the kids in the book discuss is, "If every part of you is still alive but inside someone else, are you alive or are you dead?" They also wonder if consciousness can exist even if it's spread out and if the soul remains intact. What do you think? Read Thomas Hobbes' Ship of Theseus puzzle to help you make a decision. Be sure to reference it in your answer!
I think you would still be alive but inside different people and I think you can also control a different part of the recipient. Just like Tyler in Cy-Fi's body, one part of Ci-Fy's brain was replaced with Tyler's brain. Tyler can still control Cy-Fi's brain telling him where to go and what to do without Cy-Fi knowing.

4. This section of the novel sees Lev and Cy-Fi finally make it to Joplin. As they get closer, Cy-Fi's behaviour becomes increasingly erratic. What are some of the things he does, or things he likes, that are not his own behaviours or memories?
Cy-Fi twitches more when he arrived at Joplin. Which seems like Tyler was trying to take over him. Cy-Fi also had Tyler's urge to steal shiny things.

5. What was Cy-Ty hiding in his backyard? Pg 185-194
Cy-Ty was hiding a variety of expensive and shiny things buried in his backyard.

6. The section ends with Cy-Ty reaching his destination. What do you think of his parents' behaviour? What does Lev's support show you about his character?
I think Cy-Ty's parents are scared of him because of how Tyler came back to them in someone else's body to tell them to not unwind him. Lev's support shows me that Lev is a caring person.