
Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Book Review on Dragon's Apprentice

Dragon’s Apprentice
Dragon’s Apprentice is a superb book by Linda McNabb.
The Dragon’s Apprentice book is about a 12 years old guy named Toby that has something surprising about his true self. In the middle of the story Toby will meet a horrendous Prince called Blaise. Then Blaise’s half sister will appear in the kingdom, that is when Toby will find out about himself….
If you want to find out more, read the book. Reading it will make you freeze from the astonishing adventure with Toby and Sanelle.

Nov 9, 2016 9:29:07 AM.jpg

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Overfishing Letter to Hon.Nathan Guy

Dear, Mr.Nathan Guy

Hi my name is Xij. I am a Year 7 student at Hornby High School and I am concerned to stop overfishing from happening. I need your help to stop overfishing. Will you please help me?

Overfishing is happening because of people fish more than the amount of fish that were recommended. Will you please stop those people who just won’t stop overfishing? Big fisheries are taking many fish and even taking the smaller ones, that’s why fish can’t reproduce.

The statistics are worrying. From 2009 to 2015 fish stocks decreased from 25% to 15%.  This proves people are not following the rules, or the rules aren’t strict enough.

I really, really want to save fish from extinction by 2048. I hope you will consider my concerns about overfishing.  I believe that there should be stricter rules for all fisheries, particularly commercial.  Can you please advise me what is being done and if there is anything further I can do.

Yours sincerely,

Xij Bayson

I think that my work achieved the LO3 because I explained how I want to stop overfishing.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Visual Art

Our learning outcome is The role of the Artist in disrupting what is "accepted".
We have been learning to research photos then turning it into a JPEG.

I like how I"ve learnt how to turn a google drawing into a JPEG.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016