
Wednesday 30 October 2019

Comprehension Box

Coral 1 - Where Did The Water Go?

1. Which words form an antonym for receding in Paragraph 13?
(a) roaring
(b) rushing back in
(c) creeping

2. Zoe thought the water went out due to a tsunami is the main idea of:
(a) Paragraph 8.
(b) Paragraph 10.
(c) Paragraph 11.

3. What happened just before the family saw the tsunami?
(a) They argued about going down to the exposed beach.
(b) They heard a roaring sound.
(c) Zoe's dad started to get concerned.

4. The family watched the tsunami hit the resort through:
(a) Reeds.
(b) Leaves and branches.
(c) Hills.

5. Zoe and her brother both:
(a) were pleased they waited on a ridge.
(b) thought the beach was safe.
(c) realised it was dangerous.

6. What will the family probably do when they get back to the resort?
(a) find the Game Boy.
(b) give their help.
(c) sleep.

7. Which word best describe how Zoe felt in the tropical weather?
(a) uncomfortable.
(b) agonised.
(c) terrified.

8. What was Alex most concerned about?
(a) The safety of his family.
(b) His personal belongings
(c) The welfare of the other people in the resort.

9. The family was so lucky not to have been hurt by the tsunami is:
(a) a fact.
(b) a moral.
(c) an opinion.

10. Zoe's dad said 'It looks really...peculiar. Not right...' because he:
(a) knew a tsunami was coming.
(b) sensed that something unusual was happening.
(c) was a talented psychic

11. The family were at this place near the equator on a:
(a) trekking.
(b) school trip.
(c) family holiday.

12. This text is:
(a) an explanation.
(b) a narrative.
(c) a report.

13. The pronoun we in We had a lesson in Paragraph 8 refers to:
(a) Zoe's family.
(b) Zoe's school class.
(c) Zoe's friends.

14. We can conclude the resort was wrecked by:
(a) a cyclone.
(b) an earthquake.
(c) receding and surging water.

Coral 2 - Sleepless sleepover
1. In Paragraph 3, the items collected for use in a hobby or activity are called:
(a) photos.
(b) paintings.
(c) paraphernalia.

2. When your conscious mind is having a well-earned rest, you are:
(a) not awake.
(b) not dreaming.
(c) seeing things.

3. What was the reason Grace's cat was called Charky?
(a) the colour of its fur.
(b) the colour of its eyes.
(c) its personality.

4. The writer's previous belief about ghosts is the main idea of:
(a) Paragraph 11.
(b) Paragraph 1.
(c) Paragraph 8.

5. Which event happened first?
(a) The writer jumped out of her bed.
(b) Grace dived under the covers.
(c) The yellow eyes blinked.

6. Grace was different from the writer because she:
(a) liked cats and cat images.
(b) was scared of ghosts.
(c) enjoyed junk food.

7. How did the writer probably feel the day after the sleepover?
(a) happy.
(b) horrified.
(c) tired.

8. The next time the writer goes to a sleepover, she will probably:
(a) see a ghost.
(b) sleep with the lights on.
(c) take a teddy bear.

9. You can conclude at the end of the story the writer:
(a) wasn't so sure anymore if there were ghosts or not.
(b) was convinced that there were ghosts.
(c) still didn't believe in ghosts.

10. Which answer best summarise Grace?
(a) a girl who loves cats.
(b) a typical girl.
(c) a fruitcake.

11. It is a fact, not an opinion, that the two girls:
(a) saw a scary ghost in Grace's room.
(b) hid under the covers.
(c) were extremely scared.

12. Which emotion caused the writer to avoid more sleepovers at Grace's house?
(a) anticipation.
(b) optimism.
(c) fear.

13. The writer thinks the cat items in Grace's house are:
(a) nice.
(b) unappealing.
(c) revolting.

14. The pronoun us in Paragraph 10 refers to:
(a) Grace and the ghost.
(b) Grace and the writer.
(c) the writer and the ghost.

Monday 21 October 2019


Tangaroa by Xij Bayson

In the world, there are many different beliefs that people believe in. Creating many myths and gods. Surprisingly, when it comes to a deity, there are many gods who have similarities. An example of this is Poseidon from Greek mythology and Neptune from Roman mythology.

Friday 18 October 2019

Absurd Warnings

Absurd Warnings

Society is becoming panicked about a lot of everyday objects. cell phones, microwaves, facebook, social media, takeaways, animals etc.
Select 5-10 objects.
For each object, write an absurd warning label that could be placed on the object when it is sold.
Sunglasses- Warning. Use of this object can result in a reduction in social status due to irregular tan lines across the eyes and face. User discretion is advised.

Permanent Marker - Warning. Improper use of this object could lead to a permanent mess. Use Responsibly.

Book - Warning. This product would give you the information that you need. Frequent use of this object would make you smarter and more intelligent. Regular usage is advised.

Bucket - Warning. If this object is left unattended outside in the rain, it would carry a large amount of water. Other materials can also be carried by this object. Use this product appropriately.

Phone - Warning. This type of device is very addictive and could take your focus off the real world around you. This product contains a massive quantity of different apps you could use.

Essay Brainstorming

People under 16 should not be allowed to buy energy drinks

Energy drinks are addictive and could have bad impacts on your health.
There is a large amount of caffeine in energy drinks which people under 16 should not consume.
Drinking energy drinks are bad for your health.

Thesis: Energy drinks shouldn't be consumed by people under 16.
Idea 1: Energy drinks are addictive.
Idea 2: Large amounts of caffeine in energy drinks shouldn't be consumed by people under 16.
Idea 3: Energy drinks are bad for your health.

Thursday 17 October 2019

Essay Brainstorming

Christchurch water should be chlorine-free

Some people can be sickened by chlorine, like stomach aches.
The taste of water with chlorine is bad.
Freshwater shouldn't be contaminated with chlorine.

Thesis: Chlorine shouldn't be in our water.
Idea 1: Chlorine could give you illness.
Idea 2: The taste of chlorine in water is bad.
Idea 3: Chlorine shouldn't be in freshwater.

4 Items, 1 paragraph

4 Items, 1 Paragraph

Create a list of 4 things, a specific source of light, a specific object, a sound using onomatopoeia, and a specific place. Once you create the list, write a one-paragraph story using each of the four items and a single protagonist. Briefly introduce the protagonist, put them through a problem and resolve it in one way or another. Create a list as random as you could and put all of them together in a paragraph.

The outdoor section at the Warehouse.

The world is ending, the apocalypse has begun, zombies, roaming everywhere. "Kaboom" a red car blew up in the middle of chaos, shrapnels darted across the road. In a worn-out, striped shirt, Jan Jan, was a 6-foot guy, with a brown and battered body. Striving for survival. With the chaos outside, he hid in the outdoor section at the Warehouse. The whole building had no electricity, everything was pitch black. His only light source was a fire he made using the bat, cloths and oil he took from the outdoor section. Jan's only weapon was a razor studded bat he made to help himself fight off the malevolent zombies. After 10 of bashing and smashing the undead heads, Jan miraculously survived the apocalypse bestowed upon the world.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Critical Literacy - Adverts

How are people represented in New Zealand anti-drinking adverts?
People in the advert are stereotyped, that most young adults who are male likes drinking alcohol. Males in the video are portrayed that all they do is drink alcohol, try and impress women and do dumb stuff.

Essay Brainstorming

Climate Change is a lie.

Storms in our planet are getting worse and more powerful.
Glaciers are melting.
Coral reefs, which are an important part of marine life, are dying from the increase in water temperature.

Thesis: Climate change is real and we need to act on it fast.
Idea 1: Glaciers are melting due to an increase in temperature.
Idea 2: Storms are getting powerful and worse.
Idea 3: Coral reefs are dying due to an increase in water temperature.