
Thursday 14 November 2019

Essay - Treaty of Waitangi

Historians argue that understanding the cause of significant events is much more important than just remembering facts, dates, and figures about things in the past.
The Treaty of Waitangi was about the agreement between the British and the Māori which was signed in 1840. The Treaty of Waitangi is needed to construct laws between the Māori and the British colony in New Zealand. Signed in 1840, the British and the Māori established laws for the diverse society to follow. Although the Treaty of Waitangi was written and signed in the past, it is still relevant for the newer generation of today's society.

Before the Treaty of Waitangi was established, the people's behaviour in Kororāreka was lawless and chaotic. By establishing the treaty, laws were produced, creating a list of rules for people to follow. Therefore reducing the lawlessness and chaotic behaviour of the whalers. These include heavy drinking which caused fights between the sailors and prostitution; all occurring on Kororāreka/Russell which in the time became known as the 'Hell Hole of the Pacific'. The treaty was needed to make an agreement between the Pākeha and the Māori to create laws to stop the lawlessness behaviour from happening.

The missionaries influenced the Māori into signing the treaty to protect their rights. The missionaries influenced the Māori by buying land for them as the Māori 'trustees', the missionaries also taught the Māori literature. Christianity was introduced by the missionaries to the Māori which taught the Māori how to write and read in Māori. The treaty was needed because it helped both the Europeans and the Māori to be in a good relationship with each other.

The introduction of muskets to New Zealand caused an uproar of violence causing a series of wars which today is known as the Musket Wars. With the introduction of muskets, land boundaries rapidly changed. It also raised military power after tribes traded for muskets, for protection, balancing the tribes' powers with each other. The musket wars caused increased violence and deaths of thousands of people because there were no laws around the ownership/trading of muskets. The treaty prevented these from happening any longer and provide stability.

Before the treaty, there was the Declaration of Independence, signed on October 28 1835. With the Declaration of Independence, about 34 Northland Chiefs gathered and signed the document. The chiefs also made a deal with the British: mana and sovereignty of New Zealand. The effect of all of this was important because there were no laws created to protect the Māori as had been agreed in the Independence. The declaration is also the stepping stone for the Māori because it showed that some groups/tribes wanted to work together for a better community. The treaty was needed to establish new laws to protect the Māori.

The events that occurred before the Treaty of Waitangi was signed showed clear reasons to why the treaty was required. Occasions such as the Musket Wars and the lawlessness behaviour of the whalers in Korerāreka proved that the treaty was needed to stabilise the different situations that happened. With the Declaration of Independence, it helped lead the Māori to sign the treaty. The Declaration of Independence was the stepping stone of the Māori which allowed them to create laws but it never occurred due to the fact that a disagreement had sparked a war, tribes against tribes. In conclusion, the treaty was needed to unite the people in New Zealand to have a good relationship with each other and to create peace.

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