
Thursday 13 April 2017

My Memoir

My Memoir

My first day at Hornby High School felt horrifying. I sat at the middle at the back of the class looking lost and lonely. Sometimes I sat with my skinny arms wrapping my knees tightly and swinging my body forwards and backwards. If I had space I would have stretched my legs.

It was Term 2 when I encountered Jeremiah and Ivan. First I met Jeremiah, he was taller than me. I then talked to him asking him questions because I’m not the type of person who talks a lot and I am not good at conversations. It felt awkward and uncomfortable. Two weeks later Mrs Gibson introduce Ivan to my excellent class. About one and a half week Ivan, Jeremiah and I later became marvelous friends.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Graduate profile goal

High Impact

Force = Mass X Acceleration
What will drop first, 5 kg medicine ball or a basketball?

JPEG Image

At first I thought the basketball is going to hit the ground first because it's light.

In the first experiment the basketball hit the ground first.
In the second experiment Keegan dropped the two balls in the same height and higher than the first experiment.

Surprisingly both balls landed at the same time.

Here is the link

Statistic project

What did you learn?
I learnt that there are more Europeans than Maori in New Zealand
What will you do differently if you did it again?
If I did this again I would put a conclusion in my poster.
What question would you still like to know more about?
I would like to know more about what will happen if Maori people are the most people in New Zealand.

Friday 7 April 2017

Kete Matrix

LO 1: Explain New Zealand’s national identity and how it has been shaped.
LO 2: How cultural practices become shared experiences and part of national identity.

In Kete my class have been working on Discover The World Kupe. Here are my 4 works from my Kete.

Task 1:
Create a diagram of a whare whakairo. Label the parts in both Te Reo and English.


Task 2:
Create a poster that visually represents a whakatauki

Task 3:
Name and locate on a map natural and man made images that make New Zealand unique
Here is the link to my work

Task 4:
Create a graph of the different nationalities of people in New Zealand as at 2013


How I think my work shows my learning:
I think my work shows my learning because it shows and tells everything in New Zealand is unique.

If I did this task again what would I do differently
If I did this task again I would put more effort in my work.

Something I am wondering about:
Something I am wondering about is what will happen when all the unique things in New Zealand is gone.

Thursday 6 April 2017

Drama 6/4/17

Why do people dance?

People dance because:
of emotion
job, career
parties - social

Other people dance because of culture.

Here are three reasons people dance.
1. Cultural
Cultural dance
They dance because it's their tradition of celebration.

Competition dance
They dance because they want to win.

3.Music video

They dance because they want to have fun.