
Wednesday, 27 February 2019

P.E Reflection

Why did you choose the sport?

I chose high jump because it's fun.

What are the proper techniques?

You run in a J shape towards the bar and do the Fosbury flop. You jump then head first, then your shoulders, then your back, then your legs.

Have you improved, Why or Why not?

Yes. I think I've improved because I manage to break my record.

Another sport that you want to improve on?

Shot put because I find it hard doing it.

Is there something you can do to improve in that event?

I can build my muscle up and gain more strength.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Unwind by Neal Shusterman

Examining the Cover

How do you think this story will be written?

I think the story will be written with thrillers to make the readers feel interested.

Why do you think the story is entitled as it is?

I think the story is entitled as it is because the author wants people who see the title to read the book. Why it's called Unwind and what it's about?

Where do you think the story will take place?

I think the story will take place in a busy country crowded with people.

What time period do you think the story is set in?

I think the time period the story is set in the near future.

Exploring the Blurb

Unwind blurb
The process by which a child is both terminated and kept alive is called 'unwinding'. Unwinding is now common, and accepted practice in society.
In the not-too-distant future, teens Connor, Risa, and Lev are on the run for their lives. Following the Second Civil War, between pro-choice and pro-life forces, the United States now allows parents to unwind their unwanted and difficult kids between the ages of thirteen and eighteen: Their bodies are surgically taken apart and all the organs and tissue are used in other people. According to the law, the kids aren't considered dead, they're "living in a divided state." But Connor, Risa, and Lev, and thousands of other teens slated for "unwinding" , don't see it that way. They choose instead to "kick AWOL," or run away. Unwind follows these three across the country as they travel together, split up, and meet again when their destinies cross in a Harvest Camp where they are slated to be unwound.

1. What do you already know about pro-life and pro-choice groups? What do these terms mean? Is it an issue you have thought about?
Pro-life is a group of people against abortion and pro-choice is a group of people that think abortion should be allowed.

2. What do you know about organ donation?
Organ donation is about a person willing to donate their organ to a recipient that needs it.

3. Teenagers to be unwound are sent to Harvest Camps. Can you make a connection between the language used to describe this place, and other places people have been sent historically?
I think the connection between the language used to describe this place is that this place is where people are gathered to be unwound and take their organs.

4. What religious connotation does the word 'harvest' evoke?
Reaping what you sow.

5. The term "living in a divided state" here is really a euphemism for what? Can you think of other, common euphemisms? Why do people use euphemisms?
That they're alive but their body is separated from them; given to other people who require their body part. Other common euphemism people use are "I want to be alone" instead of saying "go away". People use euphemism to make the bad sound good.

6. What is the definition of legal?  
Legal is something that is allowed to do according to the law.

7. What about ethical?
Ethical means things that are morally right. Which depends on a person's perspective.

8. Do you believe that because something is legal, it is also ethical, or morally right?
No, because some people in the government might decide to make something legal when it should be illegal.

9. Can things that are ethically sound ever be illegal? Provide examples.
Yes, for example, a poor woman stealing money to buy food to feed her baby.

10. Can you think of examples in history to support your ideas? Provide examples.

Part 1 - Triplicate

"I was never going to amount to much anyway, but now, statistically speaking, there's a better chance that some part of me will go on to greatness somewhere in the world. I'd rather be partly great than entirely useless." -Samson Ward

1. How much brainwashing do you think has happened for teenagers to make this sort of claim as they’re being led to their "death"?
A lot because the teenagers think that they're still alive and they are just living in a divided state.

2. Why, do you think, has Shusterman chosen to have three characters tell their story?
 I think Neal Shusterman chose to have three characters tell their story to show different perspectives about unwinding.

3. Lev is a tithe. This means that he is the 10% that his family will give back to the church as an offering. What are your thoughts on this?
No, because they can just use money as a tithe instead of thier child.

4. Rita is a state home kid - she was unwanted at birth, and now the state have decided she is no longer useful. Do you think that the state should ever be able to determine if one life is more useful than another?
No, they shouldn't determine if one life is more useful than another because everyone is useful in different ways.

5. Connor's parents have chosen to unwind him due to his difficult behaviour. They have then booked a ticket to the Bahamas. In your opinion, how do parents view their children? Why do you think this?
I think that Connor's parent views him as an object because they just put him to be unwound; they just think that they can no longer use him and now he's being unwound so that his body can be used by others.

6. Pastor Dan presents as being conflicted. What reasons might he have to encourage Lev in his journey as a tithe? Why does he encourage him to run?
I think Pastor Dan encouraged Lev to run because he thinks that unwinding is wrong and that Lev's parents are wrong to unwind their child and that he doesn't want Lev to die; to live in a dived state.

7. What is the story based on a nursery rhyme that circulates among the youth?
Humphrey Dunfee is a story created to scare kids from being unwound.

Monday, 25 February 2019

The Slave Trade Triangle

What is the Slave Trade Triangle?

The Slave Trade Triangle is where Africans are traded for tobacco, sugar, and cotton.

What the first passage is?

The First Passage was from Europe to Africa. The cargo on this passage was guns and weapons.

What the middle passage is?

The rest of the slaves were shipped to the USA and processed for auction. It was here where the Cotton, Tobacco, Sugar Cane and other products slaves produced were put on ships.   

What the third passage is?

Africans were taken to the Caribbean and sold. They were bartered for a ship-load of tobacco and cotton.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019


Name 3 synonyms for dystopia:

  •  Apocalypse
  • Chaos
  • War

What is the antonym for dystopia?

The antonym for dystopia is eutopia.

Which dystopian novels have you read?

  • The Tribe
  • Maze Runner
  • The Giver
  • World War Z
  • Train to Busan

How many others can you name?

  • Walking Dead

Friday, 15 February 2019

Human Rights


What do you know already?

I didn't know anything about human rights.

What did you find interesting?

I found everything interesting because I didn't know we have human rights.

What would you like to learn next?

I'm not sure.

The Hare and the Tortoise

Who is the most likely audience and why?

The most likely audience of this text are kids because it fits as a bed time story.

How are characters constructed in this text?

The hare is cocky and the tortoise is humble.

What is Critical Literacy???

What do you think Critical Literacy is?

I think Critical Literacy is about being able to understand things deeply by trying to find out more things about something.

What did you learn during  Critical Literacy?

I learnt the C.R.A.P Test.
C - Current
R - Reliability
A - Authority
P - Purpose

What did you find challenging during Critical Literacy?

I found it challenging when I haven't finished my work yet and I'm given another work to start and finish in a short amount of time.

How will you use Critical Literacy skills in real life?

I will use Critical Literacy skills in real life by doing the C.R.A.P Test to find out if the news my friends shared on social media is real or fake.

What are you looking forward to in English this year?

I'm not looking forward to anything in English because I don't know what to look forward to.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Critical Questioning Matrix

What genre does this text belong to?

The genre this text belongs to are a comedy, advertisement, and a film.

How does the text depict age, gender, cultural groups?

This text portrays a group of 20+ years old Islander men playing a game that involves hitting each other with a wooden spoon. There is also a woman in the background that just walk around.

Who benefits from this text?

Lift plus benefits from this text because it's their advertisement.

What is the text about? How do we know?

This text is about lift plus. We know this because it's a video that promotes itself.

What kind of language is used in the text?

They used words that are hard for kids to understand.

How are characters constructed in this text?

The person in this text seems like she knows what she's talking about.

Who is the most likely audience of this text and why?

The most likely audience of this text are most likely to be adults because they are more likely the people that will understand what the person in the ad is saying.

What does the author want us to know?

I think the author want us to know that if we use their product it will help us get a whiter and stronger teeth.

How does the text construct a version of reality?

This text construct a version of reality that only girls use their product.

What do the words suggest?

What genre does this text belong to?

The genre this music belongs to pop, pop-rock, and trap music.

How does the text depict age, gender, cultural groups?

There are a bunch of people in this music video. There are kids, teenagers, and adults.

How does the text construct a version of reality?

The text construct a version of reality by showing that there are people with financial problems.

Who is the most likely audience of this text and why?

The most likely audience of this text is everyone because it's the lyric is easy to understand and there's only one profanity.

Butterflies - By Patricia Grace

What kind of language is used in the text?

The language that is used in the text is English but some sentences aren't written in a proper way.

What is this text about, how do you know?

I think this text is about understanding the difference in people's perspective.

What does the author want us to know?

The author wants us to know that people have different perspectives.

How are these characters constructed in this text?

The grandparents are proud of their grandchild that she is going to school.
The child is trying her best to learn.
The neighbour is friendly. 

What kinds of social realities does the text portray?

I think this text portrays what people's life is back in the day.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019


What were the main mathematical concepts or ideas that you learned or that we discussed in class?
I learnt how to do some basic shapes using only a string.

What questions do you still have about?
I want to know how they made a pyramid with only a piece of string.

What did you enjoy during class?
I enjoyed doing the string shape activity with my class. I also enjoyed playing mathlethics in my Chromebook.

Factual or Satirical?

Which of these websites are real news sites and which are fake news sites?
Visit each site and make a note on:

What does the website look like?

I used the same answer for each website because each website looks the same.

What photos is it using?

  • The Onion - This website uses photos that are photoshopped.
  • The New York Times - This website uses photos that aren't photoshopped together.
  • The Civilian - This website looks like they used photos from the internet.
  • The Daily Mail - This website uses photos that aren't photoshopped together.
  • The Daily Mash - This website looks like they got their photos from the internet
  • The Herald - This website uses photos that look like they took it themselves. 
  • The Shovel - This website uses photos that can be found in the internet.
  • Daily Telegraph - This website uses photo that they took themselves.

What headlines are they sharing?

Do you think it is a Factual website or a Satirical website?

Friday, 8 February 2019

Critical Literacy

What am I learning?

I am learning the meanings of each word.

How does this work show my learning?

I made a crossword to show my learning because I need to know what every word meant to answer the crossword.

What am I wondering?

I'm not really wondering anything.

Art - Tones

Learning Intention:

Learning the techniques required to make our ideas come alive.

Have you improved with shading?

I think I've improved with shading because I didn't know how to do a proper shade before doing art.

Do you understand that using a structure can help you draw better (light loose lines under your work)?

I think I understand that using a structure can help me draw better because I can see where I'm going to draw the specific parts of my drawing.

What are you going to work on going forward in pencil drawing in and out of class?

I am going to work on drawing more shapes and use tones.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Critical Thinkers

  • What aspects of stories was she (Andrea)  interested in?
I think Andrea was interested in messages that aren't told to us.

  • What did the ad imply with the big diamond ring?
The ad implies that to show your love to your loved one, you need to give them fancy things like pieces of jewellery.

  • What is subtext?
Messages that are hidden in advertisements

  • With CL, can each student have their own answer?
Yes, each student can have their own answer because everyone is different.

  • What does Andrea compare CL to?
Andrea compares critical literacy to the lasso of truth.

  • How can CL be applied to your life outside of school?
Critical literacy can be applied to every aspect of your life.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Critical Literacy

What makes this video convincing?
This video makes it convincing by how they made it look like it's from the news.

Who published this video?
The Onion published this video.

How are teenagers portrayed in this clip?
That they are brain dead and are only capable of using social media and texting.

Why has the director cast them this way?
The director cast them this way because I think they are trying to make it funny.

In whose interest is this text?
The parents

Who is real in this text?
The doctor seemed real in this text because of how he used medical words to explain what is wrong with the teenager

What social realities does this video portray?
This video portrays the reality with teenagers addicted to social media.