
Friday 15 February 2019

What is Critical Literacy???

What do you think Critical Literacy is?

I think Critical Literacy is about being able to understand things deeply by trying to find out more things about something.

What did you learn during  Critical Literacy?

I learnt the C.R.A.P Test.
C - Current
R - Reliability
A - Authority
P - Purpose

What did you find challenging during Critical Literacy?

I found it challenging when I haven't finished my work yet and I'm given another work to start and finish in a short amount of time.

How will you use Critical Literacy skills in real life?

I will use Critical Literacy skills in real life by doing the C.R.A.P Test to find out if the news my friends shared on social media is real or fake.

What are you looking forward to in English this year?

I'm not looking forward to anything in English because I don't know what to look forward to.

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