
Friday 29 March 2019

Unwind - Part 3 - Transit

Part 3 - Transit

1. In the course of the book, Connor and Risa get separated from Lev, who travels for a time with another character. Why do you think Shusterman chose to split the narrative into two distinct threads? What do you think this achieves? How does this affect the evolution of the characters?
I think Neal Shusterman chose to split Lev with Risa and Connor to introduce a new character to show a different perspective of what effects there are on the receiver of the unwound donor. I think this achieves what people will think about unwinding and its side effects.

2. On p125 & 129  the novel touches on same-sex relationships. Has the attitude toward same-sex couples changed (for better or worse) in this futuristic society? Explain your response.  
The attitude towards same-sex couples changed for the worse because, after the Heartland War, they illegalised the same-sex couple making it hard for same-sex couples to be with each other.

3. P130 begins our journey into understanding a little more about Cy-Fi. Through his character, what do you learn about the effects of unwinding on both the donor and receiver?  
I learnt that people who received a part of an unwound donor will also receive its memories, its personalities or even its skills. This can also affect the receiver if its donor has a bad habit like what's happening to Cy-Fi.

4. What is the real reason Cy-Fi need to get to Joplin, Mo? Pg 131
Cy-Fi needs to get to Joplin to fix his donor's problems back home.

5. What is the significance of Connor holding in his anger around Roland? Pg 147
The significance of Connor holding his anger around Roland is that Connor doesn't want to take the bait and that if he fights Roland, Roland might end up killing him.

6. Connor's anger and lack of impulse control is often a problem for him, until he learns to control and channel his emotions. Do you ever feel like your impulses are stronger than your will? What strategies do you use to control your feelings? Do they work?
Sometimes my emotions control my action making me impulsive. I try to calm myself down and think things through. I think they work sometimes depending on what I feel.


1. What were the main mathematical concepts or ideas that you learned or that we discussed in class?
I learnt how to calculate how much time it takes for me to go to a certain place at a certain speed.

For example:
It’s 10km from my friend's house and my bicycle goes at 5kmph. How long does it take for me to reach his house?

To get the answer, you divide the distance (10km) by the speed I go (5kmph), which is 2. You then half the time for kmph, this means that I will now take 30 minutes to go to my friend's house because I divided the 10km by 5kmph = 2, I then used the 2 to half the time from kmph. Which would be 30 minutes. So the answer would be that it will take me 30 minutes to go to my friend's house if I'm going at 5kmph.

2. What questions do you still have about it?
I'm not sure

Thursday 28 March 2019

Unwind - Storked - Connection Tasks

Connection 1: Baby Box

The baby box is an insulated box with a blanket and contacts of people in an envelope if the parent of the baby changes their mind. The "Baby Box" is monitored by the people working there. The baby box has spread around Europe and United States. The baby box has been practiced since the medieval times where parents can put the baby into the box and leave it there for people to adopt.

Connection 2: Underground Railroad
 Underground Railroad is about an organisation where they help free slaves from slavery. The Underground Railroad use code names such us "conductor", "station masters", "depot", "stations", and "light house" relating to train stations to stay hidden. One famous "conductor" was Harriet Tubman. She was known as a heroic woman who saved 300 slaves from slavery within a decade of her serving.

Connection 3: Suicide Bombers

Unlike "clappers" where they replace their blood with nitroglycerin blend to make themselves explode by clapping. Suicide bombers wear a vest with bombs that they can set off to explode killing themselves and others around them. According to the news, there has been a suicide attack in Afghanistan killing 68 people, mostly civilians.

Monday 25 March 2019

Worst Countries With Child Labour

In Social Studies we have been learning about Human Rights and how some countries are still ok with it. This map is about child labour that is still happening in some countries. Child labour is illegal but some countries are still allowing it to happen. Child labour is about children working to survive.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Unwind - Neal Shusterman - Part Two - Storked

Part 2 - Storked

"You can't change laws without first changing human nature." - Nurse Greta "You can't change human nature without first changing the law." -Nurse Young

1. Risa overhears two nurses debating law and human nature. Which argument do you think is stronger? Why do you think this? Write a paragraph explaining your thoughts on law and human nature.
I think nurse Young's argument is stronger because I think that the law should be changed first so there are rules to follow while human nature is changing. If there are no laws to follow, people will have the freedom to do anything. Having no laws to follow means chaos because human nature can sometimes lead people to choose bad decisions. This is where the law comes in.

2. This section opens with a mother abandoning her newborn infant on the doorstep of a house in a good neighbourhood. As she leaves, she thinks "How wonderful it is that she can get a second chance. How wonderful it is that she can dismiss her responsibility so easily."  

3. In your opinion, by allowing new mothers to give up their children so readily, does it take away from the value of a child?
No, it doesn't take away the value of a child because I think that a child is a gift from God and therefore is precious and should be loved.

4. What is the role of a mother? Do you think the title of mother is something that should be earned or a natural right of the woman who gave birth?
I think the role of a mother is taking responsibility and care for their children or child. The title of a mother is something that is a natural right of the woman who gave birth because once you give birth the child is already yours, therefore you should take responsibility to take care of it.

5. What skills or attributes do Connor and Risa have that work well together?
Both Connor and Risa share the same skills of being street smart and independent. They also have one thing that is different for each one of them. Connor lives his life by instinct and Risa live her life by brains which makes them both a good team. It is also quoted in the book, "I go by instinct, you go by brains. I guess we make a pretty decent team." said Connor.

6. Connor and Lev have very different experiences with storking. How has this helped shape each of their attitudes toward the society they live in?
Connor's experience with storking is negative thinking that it was their fault for what happened making him be more emphatic about someone's feelings. Lev's experience is very different from Connor's because Lev thinks that being storked is a good thing and has a positive outcome to it.

7. Connor is concerned the baby won't be loved, and ultimately will die, so he takes it. What does this show us about him as a person?
This shows us that Connor is a very considerate and empathetic teenager. It also shows that Connor doesn't want the baby to suffer and repeat what happened to the baby that has been storked to his family.

8. What makes Lev realise he doesn't want to be unwound? P79
Pastor Dan makes Lev realise that he doesn't want to be unwound because Pastor Dan told Lev that unwinding is wrong and that it's something that people shouldn't do.

9. Each of the other characters on the run has a tragic background story. Why were Hayden, Roland and Mai set to be unwound? Which, do you think, is the most tragic? Explain your response.
Hayden was set to be unwound because each of his parents didn't want each other to take care of him. Roland was set to be unwound because he avenged his mother from his abusive step-father. Mai was set to be unwound because her parents wanted a boy but her parents got her instead. I think the most tragic background story was Roland's because he tried to avenge his mother from his abusive step-father but his mother betrayed him and sided with his step-father.

10. What tattoo does Roland have?
Roland has a tiger shark tattoo on his wrist.

Sonja Terk Delaunay - Orphism

Alcools Poemes, 1898 - 1913
Medium: Paint on beige leather binding, purple paper
Prismes Electriques, 1913
Medium: Oil on canvas


Orphism is about abstract artwork.

Facts about Sonja Terk Delaunay:

She cofounded Orphism with her husband Robert Delaunay.

She can speak 4 languages.

Here is my work I tried to make in 5 minutes:

Wednesday 20 March 2019

What's this??????????????????

During the 7 weeks in this term, we have been learning about being cybersmart in social media. We first learned how to make our own site, learned about ergonomics, played Interland, learned about being cybersmart and we also have been learning about Digital Bytes. We showed our work by making an infographic of what we learned. Here is my learning:


Ergonomics is about the study of people's efficiency in their work environment. I used piktochart to create this infographic. I found piktochart interesting because it's easy to use and there are a lot of photos I can use to make an infographic.


Image result for interland

Interland is a fun game where you learn how to be cyber-smart when using social media. There are four levels in this game that will help you with social media. The first one is trying to find out whether something from social media is factual or satirical. The second level is about sharing things through social media and how you have to be careful who you share things with.

Being Cybersmart

Being cybersmart means being safe and smart when using social media. To create this infographic, I used piktochart again because it's easy to use.

Digital Bytes

What was your biggest takeaway in this video?

My biggest takeaway in this was when a reporter told that people take words from other music to make a new one.

1. What do you think about the real world objects(for example a sliding lock, a typewriter, and traffic light colours) that inspired iPhone’s interface? Do you think people notice these everyday references?

Yes because the traffic light is commonly used. For example, red light means to stop this relates to the iPhone’s interface as to stop or close the app. For the typewriter, Apple used it as a keyboard where if you press a letter it produces a sound the same as the typewriter when you push a button it also produces a sound. People notice this everyday references because it is very common.

2. Why do you think Apple chose to reference physical objects more literally in the iPhone (for example, with a bookshelf, a calendar, a tape deck)?

We think Apple chose to reference physical objects more literally in the iPhone because people will be able to get used to it easily as it is an everyday object.

3. Can you think of any other real-world objects that digital products would benefit from mimicking?

A remote, a torch

4. Do you think it’s OK for companies to copy the look and feel of other companies products when making their own device?

Yes, it is ok because they can take it as an inspiration to make their own new device but change the features of it.

5. What do you think about the iOS 7’s simplified, flatter, more iconic look? Why do you think this look became popular? Who decides what’s popular and what’s not?

We think it’s great because it has evolved into a new and improved multi-touch. It became popular because of its new and improved features. We think that the people decide what’s popular and what’s not because they are the one who’s going to use the device.

6. The FIlmmaker and narrator Kirby, says, “Perhaps, it is not fair for us to expect surprise and delight from smartphones anymore, Perhaps for that, we need new frontier - a new blank slate.” Do you agree? What do you envision?

We agree because having a new frontier means having a new generation of phones and a new type of technology. We envision a more fictional version of phones; where everything is more high tech than ever. Having a crystal clear phone where it is transparent when turned off; looking like a thin piece of glass.,c_limit,q_auto:best,f_auto/fc/3033336-inline-vc5ikii.jpg

Friday 15 March 2019

Guess What's My Focal Point

What is my focal point?

My focal point is the bird in the right corner and the figure with the birds in the middle.

What are my leading lines?

My leading lines are shown below.

What can I improve on?

I can improve on taking the middle photo back to be able to see the bird as my focal point first then the middle photo. I can do this by painting over the middle photo.

Peer Critique

My classmate commented on my work asking me why does my bird only has one leg.

I answered his question by adding another leg for my bird.