
Wednesday 19 February 2020

Language Features

Self-Directed Learning for Creative Writing
Step 1- I am/am not ready to learn because…(I do/do not understand the what, why, how, and where of my learning?)I am ready to learn because I am organised with everything I need to do and I also have my chromebook. I am in the right headspace to work with others. I am about to learn the things I need to complete the tasks sent to me.

Step 2- My learning goals are …My goals are to be able to write my own similes, metaphors, personifications, hyperbole, assonance, onomatopoeia, alliteration etc. If I don’t complete my task today, I would do them for homework to do the next task in the next period.

Step 3- To engage in the connectivist learning process, I will need …(My teacher, colleagues, videoclips, slide decks, websites, dictionary etc.)If I don’t understand the task I’m supposed to do, I would ask my teacher or a friend for help.I would share my learning by posting them on my blog for others to see.

Language Features:
Simile -  He ran fast like a cheetah chasing its prey.
Metaphor - The man was a statue when he found out about her secret.
Personification - The water slapped my skin as I belly-flopped on its surface.
Alliteration - Leo left his laptop on the ledge.
Hyperbole - The test took 300 years to finish.
Assonance - The boy was given a toy bought by his uncle Troy.
Onomatopoeia - “BOOM!” the dynamite was set off.
Understatement - (When somebody broke into the house and stole most of the precious things) “Looks like someone threw a party here without inviting us”
Consonance - The dog was barking at the cars passing annoying his owner sitting around the corner.
Epistrophe - All the food at the banquet was delicious. The steak was delicious. Even the chocolate chip cookies are delicious. From appetizers to desserts, all the food there was delicious.
Isocolon - Fast like the wind, flexible like water, hard as a rock, fierce like fire, symbolises that character who became a wonder to the people after the sudden prosper.
Tricolon - Right attitude, confidence, and motivation is what I need to be a better player.
Listing/List - The dog was gloomy, slow, and malnourished.
Pun - I'm bad at jokes, I'm such a dad.

Monday 17 February 2020

Ham Wraps

What high-risk food was used? How do you have to handle to keep safe
The high-risk food my team used was ham. To keep safe, we used tongs to separate them rather than using our hands and we also used different cutting boards to cut our ham.

Explain the health and safety procedures you put in place prior, during, and after. Give 2 examples for each.

Prior to the practical, my group made sure that I washed my hands and cleaned and sanitised my workplace. People with long hair tied their hair to prevent them from touching the food when handling them.
During the practical, we made sure that we used different boards and knives to prevent cross-contamination when cutting the vegetables and the ham. We also ensured that we appropriately handled our knives when using them, not waving it around, pointing them downwards when going back to our workplace after acquiring them.
After the practical, we ensured that we cleaned my workspace by using an anti-bacterial spray to kill off bacteria. We washed the dishes we used and stored them back to where we got them from.
How do you know that the process/strategies you put in place maintained the safety of your food?
By doing these strategies, I am making sure that I killed all the bacteria around my workplace and prevented cross-contamination.