
Wednesday 19 February 2020

Language Features

Self-Directed Learning for Creative Writing
Step 1- I am/am not ready to learn because…(I do/do not understand the what, why, how, and where of my learning?)I am ready to learn because I am organised with everything I need to do and I also have my chromebook. I am in the right headspace to work with others. I am about to learn the things I need to complete the tasks sent to me.

Step 2- My learning goals are …My goals are to be able to write my own similes, metaphors, personifications, hyperbole, assonance, onomatopoeia, alliteration etc. If I don’t complete my task today, I would do them for homework to do the next task in the next period.

Step 3- To engage in the connectivist learning process, I will need …(My teacher, colleagues, videoclips, slide decks, websites, dictionary etc.)If I don’t understand the task I’m supposed to do, I would ask my teacher or a friend for help.I would share my learning by posting them on my blog for others to see.

Language Features:
Simile -  He ran fast like a cheetah chasing its prey.
Metaphor - The man was a statue when he found out about her secret.
Personification - The water slapped my skin as I belly-flopped on its surface.
Alliteration - Leo left his laptop on the ledge.
Hyperbole - The test took 300 years to finish.
Assonance - The boy was given a toy bought by his uncle Troy.
Onomatopoeia - “BOOM!” the dynamite was set off.
Understatement - (When somebody broke into the house and stole most of the precious things) “Looks like someone threw a party here without inviting us”
Consonance - The dog was barking at the cars passing annoying his owner sitting around the corner.
Epistrophe - All the food at the banquet was delicious. The steak was delicious. Even the chocolate chip cookies are delicious. From appetizers to desserts, all the food there was delicious.
Isocolon - Fast like the wind, flexible like water, hard as a rock, fierce like fire, symbolises that character who became a wonder to the people after the sudden prosper.
Tricolon - Right attitude, confidence, and motivation is what I need to be a better player.
Listing/List - The dog was gloomy, slow, and malnourished.
Pun - I'm bad at jokes, I'm such a dad.

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