
Monday 16 March 2020

Film Study - Film Aspects

Tone in Film:

What else can we call tone in film?
The tone in a film can also be called brightness.
What are the 3 main elements of tone?
3 main elements of tone are lighting, exposure, and art direction.
How and why does Coppola use tone in the classic film 'The Godfather'?
With the exposure of lighting, the exposure was used to manipulate brightness and tell the story of the film.
How can directors control the feelings of the scenes?
Directors can control the feelings of the scenes by changing the tone of the scene. They can control the feelings of the scene by using different amount of brightness, darkness and the contrast of colours in scenes.

Contrast in Film

What are the ways directors can contrast in film?
Directors can contrast in tone, art direction, blocking, camera movement, and in colour.
What is contrasted in Spike Jonze's ad?
Spike Jonze ad contrasted the world on the person. How the world is dull and dark and how colourful the person's personality was.
Why did he contrast these things?
 He contrasted these things to indicate that anyone can be free from the boring and dull world by buying the product.

Over the shoulder

What is the effect of an over the shoulder shot?
An over the shoulder shot can connect or disconnect characters in the film.
What film aspect shows a disconnection between characters?
By using a dolly shot into a single close up, it indicates that the characters are no longer connected. 
How does the director of this scene show the disconnect of the characters?
The director of this scene shows the disconnect of the characters by using a combination of film aspects. The director used a dolly shot to slowly focus on the man and take away the focus from the woman and used a single close up of the woman to imply to the audience that both characters are now disconnected.
What eventually totally isolates the female character?
After being connected by the visual presence of the waiter, the director used a close-up shot on the female character indicating that she is now completely isolated.

Dutch Angle

The Dutch angle does what?
The dutch angle creates an uneasy feeling for the audience.
What is a dutch angle?
A Dutch angle is a camera shot that has a noticeable tilt on its horizontal axis.
Who and when created the dutch angle?
The dutch angle is a camera technique used by German expressionists in the early 1900s.
What 3 things do directors need to consider for the dutch angle?
Directors need to identify the moment in the film, consider the moment and lastly, enhance the moment to consider the dutch angle.
What 4 things can enhance a dutch angle?
To enhance a dutch angle, you need to consider the following: 
The tilt of the camera, the more you tilt, the more unsettling it becomes.
Camera angle, by using a dutch tilt at a low angle, it will give a different feeling.
Lens choice, by using a wide-angle lens, it will create a different look and feel in comparison to the standard or long lens.
Lastly, the depth of field.

Production Design

What is production design?
The production design is the overall visual look of the production
What makes up production design?
Set design, prompts and wardrobe makes up the production design. 
What are the 3 main things production design can help reveal?
Production design sets the scenes' mood, it can reflect a character's state, and lastly, it can articulate stories themes.

Film Blocking

What are 3 ways directors use blocking in film?
Directors use space, shapes, and lines when blocking a scene.
What are the 3 basic shapes for film blocking?
The three basic shapes for film blocking are circles, triangles, and squares.
What are the emotions associated with these shapes?
For circles, it feels safer and inclusive. For squares, it creates limited space. Lastly, for triangles, they feel aggressive and it also has an apex.
What two things can blocking help with?
Blocking can help with subtext or blocking. You can create an underlying meaning by using contrast, blocking with what's being said or done.

Visual Motifs

What is a motif?
"A motif is any recurring element that has symbolic significance in a story" - Bill Watterson, the person narrating the video.
Why are they important?
Motifs are important because they ensure the story is able to operate on more than one level.
What makes a great work of art?
Motifs make a great work of art because you can come back to it over and over again and find a greater depth of understanding a film.

Insert Shot

What is an insert shot?
An insert shot is an isolated shot that focuses on a specific detail in a scene.
What is the purpose of an insert shot?
The purpose of an insert shot is to communicate crucial and narrative information.
What are the 3 main aspects of the insert shot?
Three main aspects of the insert shot are composition, colour and timing.
What 3 things help the audience feel about the insert shot?
Shot size shot angle, and camera movement helps the audience feel about the insert shot.
Composition of the insert shot helps with what in a film?
The composition of the insert shot helps create context and importance in a film.
Colour in the insert shot helps with what in a film?
The colour in the insert shot helps draw attention to an important narrative point or details.
How long you dwell on the insert shot helps show what?
How long you dwell on the insert shot will have an effect over the viewers' interpretation of its importance

Colour in Film

How does colour in film affect people?
Colours draw out emotions and have a phycological effect on people. 
What are the 3 factors in determining colour?
The 3 factors in determining colour are hue, saturation, and brightness.
Why is the hue in 'The Matrix' mostly green?
The hue in 'The Matrix' is mostly green because the movie takes place inside of a digital Matrix and green is associated with code. In addition to that, the green and the Matrix has a certain sickly quality to it that reflects the world with its overall state of affairs.
Why do some films desaturate?
Some films desaturate which give a cold, rude, and gritty kind of look in the movies' world.
What can brightness and lack of brightness show in a film? 
By using bright images, it creates an atmosphere that seems lively and exciting. On the other hand, lack of brightness can create an atmosphere that seems dramatic.

 Camera Movement

What are the purposes of the whip pan and the slow pan?
The whip pan is the equivalent of quickly turning to look at something, creating a jolt of energy. While the slow pan gives the viewers time to look at the landscape.
What is the purpose of the tilt shot?
The purpose of the tilt shot often reveals something, suddenly redirecting the attention of the audience.
What does the reverse dolly zoom help show?
With the reverse dolly zoom, it helps show a character having an intense internal experience.
What is the difference between a Steadicam and dolly shot?
A dolly shot is often taken on a track, moving the camera through a space. While the Steadicam is taken with a camera stabilised on an operator, gliding gracefully within a space. 
What can the hand-held shot help create for the viewer?
Using the hand-held shot creates anxiety in the viewer with a shaky feeling while moving through space.
What should directors ask themselves with their camera movement?
Director should ask themselves if they have insurance, in case something wrong happens, such as dropping the camera. Directors should also ask themselves how does their camera movement support the story of the movie
Camera movement should be doing what?
Camera movement should be manipulating a viewers' point of attention, telling the stories of the film though each camera movements.


What is a POV shot?
A POV shot is a shot that shows the audience exactly what a character sees.
What is a 'point of thought' shot?
A 'point of thought' shot is a shot that shows how a character thinks of the world rather than how they see it.
Why are they important?
They are important because they show us what a character sees and they help us understand and feel what the character is going through in a film.

Establishing Shot

*The tone in this clip has a different meaning.
What is an establishing shot?
An establishing shot establishes a scene in a film. Establishing shot not only establish a new location, but they also establish the tone of the film; tone being the emotions or feelings the audience would feel on a scene.
Why is it used?
Establishing shots are used because it is the perfect opener for transitioning to a new scene.
Why are establishing shot usually the most expensive?
Establishing shots are usually the most expensive because it shows everything to the audience.

What is film theory?

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