
Thursday 30 May 2019

Magazine Art

What have you been doing?

In Art, we have been creating our own magazine pages and putting them all together into one magazine. My class were given an opportunity to choose which topic we want to base our pages on. My group and I chose to work on the introduction of our magazine. The photo above is what we've created but it's not finished yet.

Does your design reflect your thumbnail sketches so far?

Yes, I think my group's work reflects our thumbnail sketches. It reflects our thumbnail sketches by combining different layouts into one artwork.

Do you know where your leading lines are?

Our leading line is the blue line going across the pages, leading the viewers to see our focal point.

Do you know what your focal point is?

Our focal point is the three artwork on the left page of what my group and I had created using Sonja Terk Delauney's artwork as our inspiration.

Friday 24 May 2019

Quick Charades - DTE

What have you been learning?

In DTE we have been learning to use and code the sphero through the sphero Edu app. First, we played with the sphero to become comfortable using it. After a few lessons of playing with the sphero, we learnt how to code it by watching videos such as 'Block 1' through to 'Block 4' from the Sphero EDU App. For 'Block 1' we've learnt how to use 'Loops' codes by making a square using the sphero. 'Block 2' we've learnt how to use the 'If/Then Else' codes by coding the 'Toss Game'. 'Block 3' we've learnt to use 'Gyroscope' code to measure rotational velocity by making a spinning top using the sphero. For 'Block 4' we've learnt how to create 'Variables' by coding a game called 'Hot Potato' using the sphero. After weeks of learning how to code the sphero, we decided to create a game by putting what we've learnt into one program. I've created a game called 'Quick Charades'. Here are my instructions on how to play the game and codes to create it.


1. Throw the sphero and wait for it to produce a random animal sound.
2. After the sphero produced a random animal sound, try and act it as quick as possible.
3. If the people you're playing with agreed with what you've acted and guessed the animal, you can then pass the sphero to one of them.
4. After a couple of minutes playing the unlucky player will be out. You will know you are out if the sphero says "You're Out".
5. Repeat from instruction number 1.


  1.  Create your own program.
  2. Take the stabilisation block from movement category and put it under the on start program block.
  3. Take the speak block from sound category and put it under the stabilisation block.
  4. Take the loop forever block from controls category and put it under the speak block.
  5. Go to the variables category and create a variable. Name the first one to expire, chose the variable type number and set the default value to 0. Do the same steps as number four but name it 'Toss'.
  6. Put the set block into the loop forever block and set it to expire.
  7. Go to operators, take the random integer operator and put it into the right side of the set block, keep the random integer operator an integer or 'int'.
  8. On the left side of the random integer operator put number 3 and on the right side put 10. This makes it 3 to 10 tosses before the game expires.
  9. Take the loop until block and place under the set expire block.
  10. Go to the comparators category, take the basic comparator block, place it into the true section of the loop until block and select greater than.
  11. Go to variables, then take the toss variable and place it to the left side of the basic comparator.
  12. For the right side of the basic comparator, place the expire variable.
  13. You then write a code comment on the loop until block by holding on the block or right-clicking it. Write "Loop until the toss variable is greater than the expire variable then call the blocks within".
  14. Go to controls, take the if/then else block and place it in the loop until block.
  15. Take the basic comparator from the comparators category, set it to greater than and place it in the true section of the if/then else block.
  16. Go to the sensors category, take the accelerometer sensor, select the total axis and place it in the left side of the basic comparator block.
  17. On the right side of the basic comparator block type number 3.
  18. Then add a code comment saying "Call the "if" logic if the sphero reads more than 3 gees".
  19. Take the main LED block from lights category and place it in the if/then else block. Set the colour to green.
  20. Then take the sound block from sounds category and place it under the main LED block.
  21. Select the animal category and choose the random animal and choose 'wait'.
  22. Take the set block from variables, choose 'toss' and place it under the sound block.
  23. Place the basic operator to the right of the set block and change it to addition. Place the toss variable on the left side of the plus and on the right side, change the 0 to 1.
  24. Grab the main LED block and place it in the else part of the if/then else. Change the colour to red.
  25. Go to the controls category, grab the delay block and place it within the loop forever block. Change the number to 1 second.
  26. Grab the sound block from the sounds category, choose the game category and select the 'You lose' sound. Place this block under the delay block.
  27. Take the main LED from lights category, change the colour to yellow and place it under the sound block.
  28. Go to the movements category, grab the raw motor block and place it under the main LED block. Set both the left and right motors to 255 and the duration for 2 seconds.
  29. Grab another delay block, place it under the raw motor block and set it to 1 second.
  30. To let the players know they are out, take the speak block, write "You're out" and place it under the delay block.
  31. For the last part, grab a set block, select 'Toss' and place it under the speak block.
  32. Now you are done coding.

What did you learn?

I've learnt how to use different blocks to code the sphero. Examples of these blocks are variable blocks, sensors blocks, movement blocks, and so much more. 

What will you do next time?

Next time I would try to create a different game with different codes.

Thursday 23 May 2019


In these past few weeks, we have been learning to find out the area of a certain shape. These shapes are a parallelogram, rectangle, circle, square, and a trapezium. This is an example of what we did in class.

To find the area, you can duplicate the shape, rotate it and make it a parallelogram. You then now have 14 units for the base and 5 units for the height. After making a parallelogram, you then multiply the base by the height. This will be 70 units squared. You will then half it because you doubled it at the start. Finally, the answer will be 35 units squared. The formula to find the area is half base times height (1/2 B x H).

What are the main mathematical concepts or ideas that you learned or that we discussed in class?

I learnt that there are different formulas to find certain shapes. Here are some examples:

  • The formula for rectangle, square or parallelogram - Area = Length x Width
  • The formula for triangle - Area = 1/2 Base x Height
  • The formula for circle - Area = Radius squared x Pi

What new vocabulary words or terms were introduced?

Some new terms I learnt are to find a circle you must multiply radius squared by Pi.

Migration Story (Rewritten) - Social Studies

It is 1856, My name is Jade Frost. I am 21 years old and I came from a small family with one sibling, Christopher Frost. My family is from London. In London, the houses were small, cramped and made of cheap materials. During rainy seasons, the roof of our house leaks and it always floods inside. Unsurprisingly, houses in London are built very close to each other due to overpopulation. Living in London was like hell, every day we suffer from pollution, overcrowding, and the environment there is unhygienic. People suffer from diseases such as cholera, typhus and typhoid, also the diseases in London spread really fast due to crowds of people being in a small space.

At a very young age, I started working to provide help for my family. I was given dangerous jobs with no safety precautions whatsoever. During that time, I didn’t know that the factories I worked for were exploiting children like me, paying us a very little amount of money. I worked my life until I turned 21. Whilst everyone was working, I was already walking home, wondering what I am going to eat for dinner. As I was walking, my life suddenly changed when I saw a poster. In the poster, it asked if people want to migrate to New Zealand to try and have a new and better life. After deciding to take the poster home, I showed it to my family. About three days trying to convince my family to migrate to New Zealand, my family decided we need to leave the country and start a new life in New Zealand.

After deciding we want to leave London for a better life, we packed our things and headed to the port. Surprisingly, the fare for the ship was only 10 pounds per person. Before boarding the ship with my family, I stopped for a second and thought about what our life is going to be like in New Zealand. When we finished sorting our stuff in the cabin, I immediately ran towards the deck and took a last, long gaze of the shore before going to the kitchen to eat some snacks. The food on the ship was sometimes delicious and sometimes it wasn’t. We were given muttons, fish, and sometimes pork. Not too often, we were given foods that are very hard to eat because some of them went bad during the voyage. The food given to us are often the same thing but it was on rotation. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday our meal would be the same, bread for breakfast, potatoes for lunch, and if we’re lucky we’d get pork for dinner instead of fish. For the other days, we’d get oatmeal, biscuits, and porridge. Whilst sailing the sea, boredom was lingering in the ship. During the voyage, the people who were with us on board kindheartedly lent us cards to pass time. There were also concerts within the ship that are free to watch.

After a month-long voyage, the ship my family and I were boarding finally anchored at the coast of New Zealand. Delighted by arriving in New Zealand, I quickly took my suitcase and got off the ship along with my family. Everything was different here in New Zealand, the land, the air, the environment. Within two hours, my family and I found a decent place to stay in. Before arriving, the road we drove to the house was filled with a spectacular landscape. About a week of being in New Zealand, I felt relieved that my family and I are now in a safe environment. Where there is free public health care, better jobs, no pollution, a cleaner environment, and children are given a chance to have an education. Unlike London, the population in New Zealand is also low, which means that there won’t be diseases spreading fast and that there won’t be overcrowding. Three weeks later, my brother and I found jobs on the farm which paid us enough money to pay the rent. Therefore for these reasons, I think that migrating in New Zealand was a good choice for us.

Monday 20 May 2019

Migration Story - Social Studies

It is 1856, My name is Jade Frost. I am 21 years old and I came from a small family with one sibling, Christopher Frost. My family is from London. In London, the houses were small, cramped and made of cheap materials. During rainy seasons, the roof of our house leaks and it always floods inside. Unsurprisingly, houses in London are built very close to each other due to overpopulation. Living in London was like hell, every day we suffer from pollution, overcrowding, and the environment there is unhygienic. People suffer from diseases such as cholera, typhus and typhoid, also the diseases in London spread really fast due to crowds of people being in a small space.

At a very young age, I started working to provide help for my family. I was given dangerous jobs with no safety precautions whatsoever. During that time, I didn’t know that the factories I worked for were exploiting children like me, paying us a very little amount of money. I worked my life until I turned 21. Whilst everyone was working, I was already walking home, wondering what I am going to eat for dinner. As I was walking, my life suddenly changed when I saw a poster. In the poster, it asked if people want to migrate to New Zealand to try and have a new and better life. After deciding to take the poster home, I showed it to my family. About three days trying to convince my family to migrate to New Zealand, my family decided we need to leave the country and start a new life in New Zealand.

After deciding we want to leave London for a better life, we packed our things and headed to the port. Surprisingly, the fare for the ship was only 10 pounds per person. Before boarding the ship with my family, I stopped for a second and thought about what our life is going to be like in New Zealand. When we finished sorting our stuff in the cabin, I immediately ran towards the deck and took a last, long gaze of the shore before going to the kitchen to eat some snacks. The food on the ship was sometimes delicious and sometimes it wasn’t. We were given muttons, fish, and sometimes pork. Not too often, we were given foods that are very hard to eat because some of them went bad during the voyage. The food given to us are often the same thing but it was on rotation. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday our meal would be the same, bread for breakfast, potatoes for lunch, and if we’re lucky we’d get pork for dinner instead of fish. For the other days, we’d get oatmeal, biscuits, and porridge.

After a month-long voyage, the ship my family and I were boarding finally anchored at the coast of New Zealand. Delighted by arriving in New Zealand, I quickly took my suitcase and got off the ship along with my family. Everything was different here in New Zealand, the land, the air, the environment. Within two hours, my family and I found a decent place to stay in. Before arriving, the road we drove to the house was filled with a spectacular landscape. About a week of being in New Zealand, I felt relieved that my family and I are now in a safe environment. Where there is free public health care, better jobs, no pollution, a cleaner environment, and children are given a chance to have an education. Unlike London, the population in New Zealand is also low, which means that there won’t be diseases spreading fast and that there won’t be overcrowding. Therefore for these reasons, I think that migrating in New Zealand was a good choice for us.

Friday 17 May 2019

Writing Practice 17/05/19

Adverb Sentences

Carefully, I prepared my food.

Preposition Sentences

Within seconds, I finished my cake.

-ed Start Sentences

Bloated, I took a break from eating.

-ing Start Sentences

Relaxing on my couch, I ate a tub of ice cream.

W Start Sentences

While watching tv, I gracefully ate my food.


Q - Quote, Rhetorical Question
T - Title of your book
A - Author of your book
K - Key Argument - link to your question
O -  Outline - My 3 paragraphs

Thursday 16 May 2019

Writing Practice 16/05/19

Adverb Start Sentences

Joyfully, Jason did his work.
Carefully, she placed her child in bed.

Preposition Start Sentences

Under the sink, there was a mouse.
Before the game starts, everyone warmed up.

-ed Start Sentences

Forced by his friends, he finally asked her out.
Delighted by the gifts everyone gave her, she thanked everyone.

W Start Sentences

Whilst I was playing video games, my friends were outside having fun.
When I was walking through the forest, I saw a bigfoot.

7. The -ing Start

Try starting a sentence with the -ing form of a verb. When you have finished your -ing phrase, place a comma, then write the rest of the sentence.

Examples: Deciding, Speaking, Seeing, Grasping, Rising, Looking, Holding, Emerging, Taking, Signalling, Analysing.

Example sentences:
Talking about military successes, one must include Alexander the Great.
Analysing all the food, I finally picked which food to take.
Ignoring the warning signs, he still went through.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Writing Practice 15/05/19


Adverb Sentences:

Curiously, Kane tried to eat in an unknown restaurant.
Unfortunately, they lost the game.

Preposition Sentences:

Within an hour, they arrived at the venue.

8. ed Start

Try starting a sentence with the -ed form of the verb. It makes for a punchy opening to the sentence.

Examples: Committed, Undaunted, Determined, Forced, Gifted, Blighted, Thrilled, Delighted, Blessed, Overpowered.

Example Sentences:
Thrilled by the score, coach shouted us all Maccas.
Determined to pass, he worked really hard to finish his work.
Delighted by the food, I ate another one.

11. The W Start Sentence

Try beginning a sentence with a W-word. The W-start makes writing sound thoughtful and knowledgeable

Examples: Who, While, Whilst, When, Where, What, Whereas

Example Sentences:
Whereas Liz played Netball, I played Hockey
When the bell rang, everyone went to class.
Whilst Ren was exercising, I was at home eating.

P.E.E.L Paragraph

Most students think that school uniforms are a waste of money. 
Although some people think that school uniforms are a waste of money, I disagree and some people think it's the opposite. School uniforms are actually beneficial. For example, the school can use the profit it gains from the uniforms they sell to organise a school trip or camp. However, some people still think that school uniforms are a waste of money due to it being overpriced. Whereas clothes from the Warehouse are cheaper. For these reasons, school uniforms are not a waste of money. It is beneficial for students, the school can buy them new and improved things that help them learn

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Essay Writing

Writing Practice

5. Adverb

Adverb - Adverbs are describing words that add to the verb.

Rapidly, Quickly, Curiously, Importantly, Lastly, Firstly, Often, Remarkably, Similarly, Significantly, Readily

The comma does after the adverb.
Example Sentences:
- Surprisingly, Mrs Handley was on time to class.
- Miraculously, he survived the fatal car accident.
- Surprisingly, Jeff won the lottery.

6. Begin With a Preposition

Preposition - Are words indicating movement or position.
Examples: In, Against, Before, Between, Over, Behind, Within, Under, Below, At, For, Near, About, Prior.

Example Sentences:
Within the hour, all students had finished their essays
Before midnight, Jake was already back home.
Within 10 seconds, he managed to shoot the ball in the hoop.

Basic Body Paragraph

Point - state the point you wish to make.
Evidence - 2 - 3 sentences that give evidence to your point.
Explain - 3 - 4 sentences that explain your evidence in relation to your point/question.
link - link back to your point - 1 - 2 sentences/link back to the next paragraph - 1 sentence.

Point - Everyone knows it's better to read the book than watch the movie.

Evidence - For example, the movie made of 'Wonder' is very different from the book. It leaves out lots of information. In the book the main teacher is female but in the movie they are male. Also, the camp incident missed out the info about Auggie's hearing aide.

Explain - This incident made more sense in the book because he was bullied for having his 'lobo ears' which made him look different. It didn't make sense to him in the movie without them.

Link - For these reasons, the book was clearly better than the movie. However, you can enjoy the movie without reading the book.


On a scale of 1 to 10, rate yourself on how well you participated in the previous lesson. 1 being not at all. 10 being the whole time.

I rate myself 9 out of 10.

Why did you rate yourself the way you did?

I rate myself 9 out of 10 because I think I participated every time.

What do you think you did well?

I think I did well on dribbling.

What skills did you use to accomplish passing and dribbling?

I'm not sure.

What do you think you need to improve upon for next time? What strategies will you use?

I'm not sure.