
Tuesday 14 May 2019

Essay Writing

Writing Practice

5. Adverb

Adverb - Adverbs are describing words that add to the verb.

Rapidly, Quickly, Curiously, Importantly, Lastly, Firstly, Often, Remarkably, Similarly, Significantly, Readily

The comma does after the adverb.
Example Sentences:
- Surprisingly, Mrs Handley was on time to class.
- Miraculously, he survived the fatal car accident.
- Surprisingly, Jeff won the lottery.

6. Begin With a Preposition

Preposition - Are words indicating movement or position.
Examples: In, Against, Before, Between, Over, Behind, Within, Under, Below, At, For, Near, About, Prior.

Example Sentences:
Within the hour, all students had finished their essays
Before midnight, Jake was already back home.
Within 10 seconds, he managed to shoot the ball in the hoop.

Basic Body Paragraph

Point - state the point you wish to make.
Evidence - 2 - 3 sentences that give evidence to your point.
Explain - 3 - 4 sentences that explain your evidence in relation to your point/question.
link - link back to your point - 1 - 2 sentences/link back to the next paragraph - 1 sentence.

Point - Everyone knows it's better to read the book than watch the movie.

Evidence - For example, the movie made of 'Wonder' is very different from the book. It leaves out lots of information. In the book the main teacher is female but in the movie they are male. Also, the camp incident missed out the info about Auggie's hearing aide.

Explain - This incident made more sense in the book because he was bullied for having his 'lobo ears' which made him look different. It didn't make sense to him in the movie without them.

Link - For these reasons, the book was clearly better than the movie. However, you can enjoy the movie without reading the book.

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