
Wednesday 27 November 2019

Enterprise Studies Reflection

Yesterday was market day, the day where we sell our products. Our coffee jelly sold out very quickly and our cinnamon doughnuts were successful even though we only cooked it twice in our life and never had any doubts. Another positive about our business is that we made $57.50 at the end of the day. The night before yesterday, we were trying out our to see if it would be a good product to sell.

Before starting, my business group thought maybe we could try a different recipe to make our cinnamon doughnuts. About 20 minutes of mixing the ingredients, I smelt something burning. I looked at our oven and found out it was where the smell was coming from. So I opened the oven and a thick smoke came out and we had to use teatowels to take the smoke out by spinning it to make a fan. Which took us about 10 or so minutes to finish our experiment. After the incident, my business group decided to stick with our original recipe to make our cinnamon doughnuts and it turned out to be a good decision for us. If we were to do it again, we won't bake our product because of what happened to the oven. We would also try to be more careful when making our product.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Essay - Treaty of Waitangi

Historians argue that understanding the cause of significant events is much more important than just remembering facts, dates, and figures about things in the past.
The Treaty of Waitangi was about the agreement between the British and the Māori which was signed in 1840. The Treaty of Waitangi is needed to construct laws between the Māori and the British colony in New Zealand. Signed in 1840, the British and the Māori established laws for the diverse society to follow. Although the Treaty of Waitangi was written and signed in the past, it is still relevant for the newer generation of today's society.

Before the Treaty of Waitangi was established, the people's behaviour in Kororāreka was lawless and chaotic. By establishing the treaty, laws were produced, creating a list of rules for people to follow. Therefore reducing the lawlessness and chaotic behaviour of the whalers. These include heavy drinking which caused fights between the sailors and prostitution; all occurring on Kororāreka/Russell which in the time became known as the 'Hell Hole of the Pacific'. The treaty was needed to make an agreement between the Pākeha and the Māori to create laws to stop the lawlessness behaviour from happening.

The missionaries influenced the Māori into signing the treaty to protect their rights. The missionaries influenced the Māori by buying land for them as the Māori 'trustees', the missionaries also taught the Māori literature. Christianity was introduced by the missionaries to the Māori which taught the Māori how to write and read in Māori. The treaty was needed because it helped both the Europeans and the Māori to be in a good relationship with each other.

The introduction of muskets to New Zealand caused an uproar of violence causing a series of wars which today is known as the Musket Wars. With the introduction of muskets, land boundaries rapidly changed. It also raised military power after tribes traded for muskets, for protection, balancing the tribes' powers with each other. The musket wars caused increased violence and deaths of thousands of people because there were no laws around the ownership/trading of muskets. The treaty prevented these from happening any longer and provide stability.

Before the treaty, there was the Declaration of Independence, signed on October 28 1835. With the Declaration of Independence, about 34 Northland Chiefs gathered and signed the document. The chiefs also made a deal with the British: mana and sovereignty of New Zealand. The effect of all of this was important because there were no laws created to protect the Māori as had been agreed in the Independence. The declaration is also the stepping stone for the Māori because it showed that some groups/tribes wanted to work together for a better community. The treaty was needed to establish new laws to protect the Māori.

The events that occurred before the Treaty of Waitangi was signed showed clear reasons to why the treaty was required. Occasions such as the Musket Wars and the lawlessness behaviour of the whalers in Korerāreka proved that the treaty was needed to stabilise the different situations that happened. With the Declaration of Independence, it helped lead the Māori to sign the treaty. The Declaration of Independence was the stepping stone of the Māori which allowed them to create laws but it never occurred due to the fact that a disagreement had sparked a war, tribes against tribes. In conclusion, the treaty was needed to unite the people in New Zealand to have a good relationship with each other and to create peace.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Comprehension Box #2

Coral 4 - Ice Hotel: A Hot Destination

1. In Paragraph 1, conjure images means to:
(a) bring images to mind.
(b) do magic.
(c) look at pictures.

2. ICEHOTEL in Jukkasjavi, Sweden, is the:
(a) only real ice hotel.
(b) best ice hotel.
(c) first ice hotel.

3. Keeping warm in the ICEHOTEL is the main idea of which paragraph?
(a) Paragraph 5
(b) Paragraph 6
(c) Paragraph 3

4. An ice hotel and an igloo are both:
(a) temporary shelters.
(b) built by Inuit people.
(c) large.

5. At what stage is the steel used in the construction of an ice hotel?
(a) beginning
(b) middle
(c) end

6. Complete the sentence to make a fact, not an opinion. Ice hotels are:
(a) freezing cold.
(b) made of ice and snow.
(c) fascinating.

7. Which of the following is not involved in the construction of ICEHOTEL?
(a) water
(b) snow
(c) concrete

8. Because the hotels are built new each year, we can assume that:
(a) there is a lot of ice.
(b) the builders get sick of building them again and again.
(c) each hotel is slightly different from the previous ones.

9. How does the number of guests affect the temperature inside the hotel?
(a) Groups tend to light fires to sit around to keep warm together.
(b) Their combined body temperatures raise the temperature inside.
(c) More guests would use up more of the heat, making it colder inside.

10. The main reason for writing this text is to:
(a) attract tourists
(b) give information
(c) describe an event

11. An overnight stay at an ice hotel could be best summarised as a:
(a) unique experience.
(b) comfortable stay.
(c) cosy night.

12. An ice hotel could not be built in Singapore because:
(a) they enjoy being warm.
(b) winter temperature don't drop low enough.
(c) people there wouldn't be interested in staying at an ice hotel

13. What happens once outside temperature climb above 0°C?
(a) The hotel collapses.
(b) The hotel starts to melt.
(c) The hotel freezes.

14. The pronoun it in the seventh line in Paragraph 4 refers to the?
(a) ice.
(b) water.
(c) Torne River.

Maroon 1 - The blue light
1. The word menial in Paragraph 2 is synonymous with:
(a) humble.
(b) unimpressive.
(c) midway.

2. Why was the soldier dismissed by the king?
(a) He had not performed his duties well for his sovereign.
(b) He had been wounded and was unable to perform the duties of a soldier.
(c) The royal budget had to be reduced due to a financial crisis.

3. Why did the soldier most probably have difficulty finding work?
(a) He was very particular about the type of work he wanted to do.
(b) He was lazy and did not want to work at all.
(c) He only knew how to be a soldier.

4. Which paragraph tells how the soldier escaped from the well?
(a) Paragraph 4
(b) Paragraph 3
(c) Paragraph 2

5. Which successful event occurred after the soldier escaped from the well?
(a) The soldier discovered the secret of the blue light.
(b) The witch was captured and punished.
(c) The kind dismissed the soldier from his service.

6. The dwarf and the soldier were similar because they?
(a) were in the well.
(b) had magical powers.
(c) were wounded.

7. What can you conclude about the character of the black dwarf?
(a) He is a worrier.
(b) He is clever.
(c) He is cowardly.

8. Which item was responsible for causing the soldier to be apprehended?
(a) a shoe
(b) a radar
(c) some peas

9. Even tho the princess found the event strange, she was not:
(a) alarmed.
(b) sad.
(c) angry.

10. The princess most probably performed the duties of a servant:
(a) enthusiastically.
(b) very poorly.
(c) exceedingly well.

11. Which statement about the fairytale is an opinion rather than a fact?
(a) The witch wanted to regain possession of the blue light.
(b) The soldier used the blue light to improve his situation.
(c) The blue light was a remarkable magical item.

12. What would most likely have happened if the soldier had not been able to ignite the blue light as he was about to be executed?
(a) The black dwarf would still have rescued him.
(b) He would have died.
(c) The princess would have rescued him because she had come to like him.

13. Which sentence best summaries the message of the fairytale?
(a) Devious people always win in the end.
(b) Loyalty to an employer and performing duties well should be rewarded.
(c) Everyone needs his/her own black dwarf.

14. The writer's purpose in presenting this fairytale is to:
(a) explain how blue lights work.
(b) give his/her own opinion about a fairytale.
(c) relate a lesser-known fairytale for the reader's enjoyment.

Monday 4 November 2019

Multi-line Graph of Māori and European Population Changes in NZ 1836 - 1901

What does the graph show us?

The graph shows us that from 1836 to 1091, the Māori population in New Zealand slowly decreased. Whilst the European population increased as the years go by.

Why do you think the numbers of Māori change?

The numbers of Māori changed because the Europeans started colonising New Zealand. Showing the decrease of the Māori population as years passed.

Why do you think the numbers of Europeans change?

The numbers of Europeans changed because they started colonising New Zealand. This is shown in the graph, that as years go by, the European population increased.

Friday 1 November 2019

Essay Brainstorming

Sport is better than music

  • It helps you exercise.
  • Sport makes you healthy.
  • Sport can be your go-to stress relief.
Thesis: Sport is better than music.
Idea 1: By doing sport, it helps you with your exercise.
Idea 2: It makes you healthy.
Idea 3: Sport can relief your stress.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Comprehension Box

Coral 1 - Where Did The Water Go?

1. Which words form an antonym for receding in Paragraph 13?
(a) roaring
(b) rushing back in
(c) creeping

2. Zoe thought the water went out due to a tsunami is the main idea of:
(a) Paragraph 8.
(b) Paragraph 10.
(c) Paragraph 11.

3. What happened just before the family saw the tsunami?
(a) They argued about going down to the exposed beach.
(b) They heard a roaring sound.
(c) Zoe's dad started to get concerned.

4. The family watched the tsunami hit the resort through:
(a) Reeds.
(b) Leaves and branches.
(c) Hills.

5. Zoe and her brother both:
(a) were pleased they waited on a ridge.
(b) thought the beach was safe.
(c) realised it was dangerous.

6. What will the family probably do when they get back to the resort?
(a) find the Game Boy.
(b) give their help.
(c) sleep.

7. Which word best describe how Zoe felt in the tropical weather?
(a) uncomfortable.
(b) agonised.
(c) terrified.

8. What was Alex most concerned about?
(a) The safety of his family.
(b) His personal belongings
(c) The welfare of the other people in the resort.

9. The family was so lucky not to have been hurt by the tsunami is:
(a) a fact.
(b) a moral.
(c) an opinion.

10. Zoe's dad said 'It looks really...peculiar. Not right...' because he:
(a) knew a tsunami was coming.
(b) sensed that something unusual was happening.
(c) was a talented psychic

11. The family were at this place near the equator on a:
(a) trekking.
(b) school trip.
(c) family holiday.

12. This text is:
(a) an explanation.
(b) a narrative.
(c) a report.

13. The pronoun we in We had a lesson in Paragraph 8 refers to:
(a) Zoe's family.
(b) Zoe's school class.
(c) Zoe's friends.

14. We can conclude the resort was wrecked by:
(a) a cyclone.
(b) an earthquake.
(c) receding and surging water.

Coral 2 - Sleepless sleepover
1. In Paragraph 3, the items collected for use in a hobby or activity are called:
(a) photos.
(b) paintings.
(c) paraphernalia.

2. When your conscious mind is having a well-earned rest, you are:
(a) not awake.
(b) not dreaming.
(c) seeing things.

3. What was the reason Grace's cat was called Charky?
(a) the colour of its fur.
(b) the colour of its eyes.
(c) its personality.

4. The writer's previous belief about ghosts is the main idea of:
(a) Paragraph 11.
(b) Paragraph 1.
(c) Paragraph 8.

5. Which event happened first?
(a) The writer jumped out of her bed.
(b) Grace dived under the covers.
(c) The yellow eyes blinked.

6. Grace was different from the writer because she:
(a) liked cats and cat images.
(b) was scared of ghosts.
(c) enjoyed junk food.

7. How did the writer probably feel the day after the sleepover?
(a) happy.
(b) horrified.
(c) tired.

8. The next time the writer goes to a sleepover, she will probably:
(a) see a ghost.
(b) sleep with the lights on.
(c) take a teddy bear.

9. You can conclude at the end of the story the writer:
(a) wasn't so sure anymore if there were ghosts or not.
(b) was convinced that there were ghosts.
(c) still didn't believe in ghosts.

10. Which answer best summarise Grace?
(a) a girl who loves cats.
(b) a typical girl.
(c) a fruitcake.

11. It is a fact, not an opinion, that the two girls:
(a) saw a scary ghost in Grace's room.
(b) hid under the covers.
(c) were extremely scared.

12. Which emotion caused the writer to avoid more sleepovers at Grace's house?
(a) anticipation.
(b) optimism.
(c) fear.

13. The writer thinks the cat items in Grace's house are:
(a) nice.
(b) unappealing.
(c) revolting.

14. The pronoun us in Paragraph 10 refers to:
(a) Grace and the ghost.
(b) Grace and the writer.
(c) the writer and the ghost.

Monday 21 October 2019


Tangaroa by Xij Bayson

In the world, there are many different beliefs that people believe in. Creating many myths and gods. Surprisingly, when it comes to a deity, there are many gods who have similarities. An example of this is Poseidon from Greek mythology and Neptune from Roman mythology.

Friday 18 October 2019

Absurd Warnings

Absurd Warnings

Society is becoming panicked about a lot of everyday objects. cell phones, microwaves, facebook, social media, takeaways, animals etc.
Select 5-10 objects.
For each object, write an absurd warning label that could be placed on the object when it is sold.
Sunglasses- Warning. Use of this object can result in a reduction in social status due to irregular tan lines across the eyes and face. User discretion is advised.

Permanent Marker - Warning. Improper use of this object could lead to a permanent mess. Use Responsibly.

Book - Warning. This product would give you the information that you need. Frequent use of this object would make you smarter and more intelligent. Regular usage is advised.

Bucket - Warning. If this object is left unattended outside in the rain, it would carry a large amount of water. Other materials can also be carried by this object. Use this product appropriately.

Phone - Warning. This type of device is very addictive and could take your focus off the real world around you. This product contains a massive quantity of different apps you could use.

Essay Brainstorming

People under 16 should not be allowed to buy energy drinks

Energy drinks are addictive and could have bad impacts on your health.
There is a large amount of caffeine in energy drinks which people under 16 should not consume.
Drinking energy drinks are bad for your health.

Thesis: Energy drinks shouldn't be consumed by people under 16.
Idea 1: Energy drinks are addictive.
Idea 2: Large amounts of caffeine in energy drinks shouldn't be consumed by people under 16.
Idea 3: Energy drinks are bad for your health.

Thursday 17 October 2019

Essay Brainstorming

Christchurch water should be chlorine-free

Some people can be sickened by chlorine, like stomach aches.
The taste of water with chlorine is bad.
Freshwater shouldn't be contaminated with chlorine.

Thesis: Chlorine shouldn't be in our water.
Idea 1: Chlorine could give you illness.
Idea 2: The taste of chlorine in water is bad.
Idea 3: Chlorine shouldn't be in freshwater.

4 Items, 1 paragraph

4 Items, 1 Paragraph

Create a list of 4 things, a specific source of light, a specific object, a sound using onomatopoeia, and a specific place. Once you create the list, write a one-paragraph story using each of the four items and a single protagonist. Briefly introduce the protagonist, put them through a problem and resolve it in one way or another. Create a list as random as you could and put all of them together in a paragraph.

The outdoor section at the Warehouse.

The world is ending, the apocalypse has begun, zombies, roaming everywhere. "Kaboom" a red car blew up in the middle of chaos, shrapnels darted across the road. In a worn-out, striped shirt, Jan Jan, was a 6-foot guy, with a brown and battered body. Striving for survival. With the chaos outside, he hid in the outdoor section at the Warehouse. The whole building had no electricity, everything was pitch black. His only light source was a fire he made using the bat, cloths and oil he took from the outdoor section. Jan's only weapon was a razor studded bat he made to help himself fight off the malevolent zombies. After 10 of bashing and smashing the undead heads, Jan miraculously survived the apocalypse bestowed upon the world.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Critical Literacy - Adverts

How are people represented in New Zealand anti-drinking adverts?
People in the advert are stereotyped, that most young adults who are male likes drinking alcohol. Males in the video are portrayed that all they do is drink alcohol, try and impress women and do dumb stuff.

Essay Brainstorming

Climate Change is a lie.

Storms in our planet are getting worse and more powerful.
Glaciers are melting.
Coral reefs, which are an important part of marine life, are dying from the increase in water temperature.

Thesis: Climate change is real and we need to act on it fast.
Idea 1: Glaciers are melting due to an increase in temperature.
Idea 2: Storms are getting powerful and worse.
Idea 3: Coral reefs are dying due to an increase in water temperature.

Friday 27 September 2019

How did it become?

Mythologies are often told to explain how some came into being or to explain a natural phenomenon.

  • Choose a natural phenomenon or something that you want to explain e.g change of seasons, how the world was created, why volcanoes erupt etc. 
  • Introduce your setting- consider the environment, the time, the beliefs of the characters.
  • Introduce your characters through your setting, it should reflect their emotions.
  • Write your version of how your chosen phenomenon came into being.

How the Tiger Got Its Unruly Attitude:

Image result for tiger,width-643,imgsize-1098713,resizemode-4/tiger-istock-871661426.jpg
After the world was created, there was a tiger that lived in a jungle. The tiger was a gullible, soft-hearted and charitable animal. The tiger was easy to manipulate, that almost every animal in the jungle tried to make him do their work. 

One day, a snake called the tiger. "Hey, tiger" called the snake as the tiger was strutting past. "Can you do me a favour?" the snake asked in a friendly tone. "How can I help you?" responded tiger, not knowing what the consequence will be for his choice. "Just wait here," instructed the snake as he pointed on the ground with a mark as tiny as a pea, "I'm going somewhere to finish something," the snake added. As the tiger was idly waiting for the snake to return, the snake was constructing a complex contraption to abash tiger.

"EVERYONEEE" the snake hissed on the top of its lungs, which attracted a variety of animals. The mossy ground of the jungle grumbled as every creature in the jungle were in a stampede headed towards the commotion. It took about three and a half minutes for every species to settle down and gather around the snake and the tiger. As soon as everything has settled, silence filled the surrounding area. Trees swayed against each other, the wind whistled. It was peacefully quiet.

"Greetings, animals" the snake spoke, breaking the silence. "I have something to present to you." All the animals remained silent. The snake proceeded to speak with his shallow words to charm the animals that are gathered around. Whilst every animal was entertained, the tiger was perplexed to the event that occurred.

The snake showed 5 different contraptions he constructed. Showing his project one by one took some time because of how complex he made them. After a few minutes of showing the contraptions, the snake directed the focus of the animals onto the tiger. Suddenly, eyes, multiple eyes, stared at the tiger. With the eyes staring at him, the tiger felt uncomfortable. The snake pulled a string, "tik...tok...boof...plop...swoosh" a contraption was set off.

"SPLATTT!!!" the berries splattered onto the tiger. The juice of the berries drenched the tiger. Every animal laughed at the hilarious event they just witnessed. With every animal laughing at the tiger, he became enraged by what the snake has done. "ROARRR" the tiger growled, jumping onto animals in its path, slaughtering them. The animals cried in agony, as the tiger devoured them one by one. Since then, its descendants became vicious taking the lives of every animal it encounters.

Thursday 26 September 2019

Workshop 2 - Musical Lyrics & Poetry - Session 2: Repetition & Recognising Emotion

Highlight the sentences that are repeated throughout the song.
Underline the sentences that show emotion.

I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me
This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy
I need somebody to heal
Somebody to know
Somebody to have
Somebody to hold
It's easy to say
But it's never the same
I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain

Now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to turn to
This all or nothing way of loving got me sleeping without you
Now, I need somebody to know
Somebody to heal
Somebody to have
Just to know how it feels
It's easy to say but it's never the same
I guess I kinda liked the way you helped me escape

Now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

And I tend to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes
I fall into your arms
I'll be safe in your sound 'til I come back around
For now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

But now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug

I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

50 Word Lyrics

When it comes to songwriting simple is always effective. But it’s hard to pull off. You have to be ruthless with your approach. Simple is a skill that every songwriter should master. It keeps your songs relatable, engaging and catchy. Who doesn’t like a good sing-along?
  • Have a go at writing your song with no more than 50 unique words in the lyrics.
  • You can use the same word more than once without it counting. 
  • Keep it simple. Repetition can be powerful.

Dino, Dino, Dino, Dino, Dino, Dino
Dino, Dino, Dino, Dino, Dino, Dino
Dino, Dino, Dino, Dino, Dino, Dino
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Critical Literacy

Masculinity:                                               Femininity:
Muscular                                                    Emotional
Manly                                                         Soft
Tough                                                         Passive
Strong                                                         Delicate
Fearless                                                       Dress
Athletic                                                       Sensitive
Beards                                                         Lean

Somewhere that's Green

How are adults constructed in this text?
The woman was constructed as someone whose dream was to become a housewife. She was constructed to be more feminine.
The man was constructed to do the lawn. He was constructed to be more masculine.

What kind of social reality does this text portray?
This text portrays the social reality of stereotyping gender. Women should be a housewife, to always clean, serve food to the family. Men should be manly, mowing the lawn, be served by the wife.

How does this text construct a version of reality?
This text constructs a version of the reality of men doing manly work and women being less than them.

What different interpretations of the text are possible?
This text could portray stereotypes in the real world.

Legally Blonde

How are adults constructed in this text?
The woman wears a pink dress and the men wear dull clothes. The woman was independent, she proved her ex-boyfriend wrong by being picked for an internship.

What kind of social reality does this text portray?
This text portrays the social reality of women being strong and independent.

How does this text construct a version of reality?
This text constructs a version of the reality of women working hard for gender equality, to have the same privilege men have.

What different interpretations of the text are possible?
The text could interpret that women don't always need a man's help to achieve their goal.

Essay Brainstorming

Money is an indicator of success

Money doesn't indicate someone's success.
We can become successful with hard work.
Other things can indicate someone's success other than money.

Thesis: Money doesn't indicate success.
Idea 1: Money doesn't indicate someone's success.
Idea 2: We can become successful with hard work.
Idea 3: Other things can indicate someone's success other than money.

Friday 20 September 2019

Workshop #2 - Musical Lyrics & Poetry - Session 1: Crafting Emotions - Poetry

Musical Lyrics & Poetry

Part 1- Choose your emotion, be obvious about it- the easier the better. 

Part 2- Describe your emotion- give it a colour, a shape, a sound, an animal, a weather

Frustration, Anxious, Disappointed, Lost 
Scribbles in my mind, the static in a tv. 
It sounds like the wave crashing onto the rocks. 
Butterflies in my stomach, feeling of disgust.
 Bees, like the bees, once disturbed, more will start swarming you, small things getting in your head.
 A heavy rain, never-ending, flooding your mind with negative thoughts.
Taking everything away.

Wednesday 18 September 2019


Highlight the correct answer for each question below:

1. 'As straight as an arrow'
a. Metaphor
b. Simile
c. Onomatopoeia
d. Hyperbole

2. 'Lucky Lady'
a. Metaphor
b. Oxymoron
c. Alliteration
d. Onomatopoeia

3. 'BOOM!'
a. Alliteration
b. Simile
c. Personification
d. Onomatopoeia

4. 'The city was a jungle'
a. Metaphor
b. Personification
c. Hyperbole
d. Simile

Mix & Match Poetry Terms & Definitions

Mix & Match Poetry Terms & Definitions




For each of the following sentences, does it have a hyperbole or not.

I’m so hungry I could eat a whole elephant! (Hyperbole/Not)
May is the nicest month of the year. (Hyperbole/Not)
Her brightly coloured dress hurt his eyes. (Hyperbole/Not)
The roof rose up and down to the rhythm of the music. (Hyperbole/Not)
I ate all of my salad for lunch.  (Hyperbole/Not)
The dog was so dirty it had a tomato plant growing on its back. (Hyperbole/Not)

Turn each of these into a Hyperbole sentence:

A strong wind. - The wind is so strong, it could make me fly.
A headache. - I have a migraine, it feels like my head is about to explode.
A fast computer. - My computer is so fast, it's even faster than the speed of light.
A funny movie. - The movie is so hilarious, I could die from laughter.
A hot pan. - The pan is hotter than the sun.
A loud crying baby. - The baby's cry is so loud, I could hear it from miles away.
Heavy groceries. - Carrying heavy groceries feels like my hands are going to fall off.
A scary dog. - The dog is so scary, it looks like it can bite my head off.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Greek Mythology - Ares

Greek Mythology by Xij Bayson

The 6 Sentence story

The 6 Sentence Story

Your first sentence begins with ‘Once upon a time’ and introduces the main character.
The second sentence describes where the character lived.
The third sentence describes the character special talent.
The fourth sentence describes the character's problem.
The fifth sentence tells us why the character felt that way.
The final sentence tells how the character solved the problem.

Once upon a time, there was a vicious-looking, soft-hearted tree wandering around the city. His name is Aye Bouto B. Chopped, he lived in a thick, rich soiled, jungle. Aye Bouto B. Chopped had a special talent which he can produce life and talk to animals. One day, humans came barging into his house, forcefully taking a 1/3 of his home. Aye Bouto B. Chopped felt so frightened seeing the creatures he loved so much, vigorously taking away his home. The way the humans acted, Aye Bouto B. Chopped felt so hopeless, all he could do is run away from them and start a new life somewhere.


What did I do well?
I can do my routines pretty well. I can do the handstand roll out, backward roll and arabesque on the floor.

What do I need to improve on?
I need to improve my handstand roll out.

How did I/can I improve?
I can improve on my handstand roll out by keep on trying and tweak some of my weaknesses. I can use my fingers to balance myself like what I do with my toes when I lean forward. I can also spread my hands for proper balance, look at images of people who are doing a handstand to improve my posture. I need to point my toes up and tuck my head in.

Image result for handstand roll out

Monday 16 September 2019



Match the following sentences to the onomatopoeia that describes them.

Tinkle, Screech, Bang, Smash, Boom, Growl, Pop, Creek, Crunch, Click

A plate being dropped on the floor. - Smash
A balloon being burst. - PopA gun being shot. - BangSomeone eating chips. - CrunchA light being switched on. - ClickA fierce dog. - GrowlA small bell being rung. - TinkleA door opening. - CreekA bomb exploding - BoomA child screaming. - Screech

Highlight the onomatopoeia in each of the following sentences:

The old engine chugged down the rickety track. 
The hard-hit tennis ball whistled by my ear.
The truck’s brakes screeched in the distance.
The rain beat on the metal barn roof.
His guitar strings twanged the sad melody. 
The old floor creaked as we walked slowly across it. 
The fire cracked and popped on a cold night. 
The snake hissed when I startled it.

My own 3 onomatopoeia:

"CLUNKKK!!" the wrench fell from the top of the shell.
The washing machine crashed as it broke down.
"BLOP" the gravy splattered on the floor.

Sunday 15 September 2019



In each sentence, an object or idea is personified.  Identify the object or idea that is being personified and explain which human trait or action is applied to the object or idea.

The wind whispered through the gloomy forest. 
What is being personified?
The wind is being personified.
What human trait or quality has it been given?
The wind has been given a human trait to whisper.

The gardener lovingly added the manure to his crops believing he was making happy flowers.

What is being personified?
The gardener's flowers are being personified.
What human trait or quality has it been given?
The flowers have been given a human trait to feel an emotion, which is happiness.

As we walked through the scorching desert, the sun beat down on us.
What is being personified?
The sun is being personified.
What human trait or quality has it been given?

In this text, the sun has been given the ability to beat the people.

The lumberjack levelled the many trees into a clearing and his chainsaw sang its deadly song.
What is being personified?
In this text, the chainsaw is being personified.
What human trait or quality has it been given?
The chainsaw has been given the ability of a person to sing.

As Alice searched for her missing pencil, she said sarcastically, “Well, I guess it just walked off of my desk.”  She looked at her classmates accusingly.  

What is being personified?
The missing pencil is being personified in this text.
What human trait or quality has it been given?
In the text above, the pencil has been given the ability to walk.

When Monica walked through the shoe store, each shiny pair of high heels called out to her.

What is being personified?
Each shiny pair of high heels are being personified.
What human trait or quality has it been given?
Each shiny pair of high heels are being personified by being able to call out to Monica.

My own 3 personifications:

My legs cried in agony after an intense workout.
After looking at the fridge, the food that I saved was suddenly gone, as if it had run away from me.
As I go deeper in the woods, I felt like the trees are watching me get lost.